Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kitchen REMODEL 2012/2013

Believe it or not, some readers of this blog actually like to see pictures of my messy house. So here is a shot of our kitchen BEFORE it was painted.

And here is a shot AFTER. I did a little spackling and painted the ceiling but otherwise my dear husband does EVERYTHING! Here's a post and pictures of this area when it had wallpaper on it.

Here's the other side of the kitchen ... woo hoo! You can see a couple of BEFORE shots of this little area here.

I thought this was all that needed to be done, but there is lots more to come, people. Me and hubs, we were like Jeff and Jenny on Flipping Out (BRAVO Channel) as I made a list of things to be done and upcoming cost. Stay tuned, remodel lovers.

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