Tuesday, May 2, 2023

How to Encourage Your Children to Try New Foods

It is safe to say that as a parent, you have had to endure the stress of trying to introduce your little one to new foods. Getting your child to try new foods can frustrate both you and your child. You want your child to have a healthy diet; however, for your child, the thought of trying something new and unfamiliar triggers their fear responses, causing them to refuse these foods. This leaves parents in a predicament about introducing these new foods to their children. If you're trying to figure this out, you're in the right place. Here are three practical and effective ways to encourage your children to try new foods.

Let them join you in the kitchen

There are several benefits of letting your children join you in the kitchen. For instance, you bond with them and teach them healthier eating habits. Cooking with your children also encourages adventurous eating. As your children participate in preparing meals, they are exposed to new foods in a positive light. This encourages them to try it! As mentioned earlier, children usually refuse new foods because they are unfamiliar. Helping you prepare the meals fosters some familiarity and makes them more comfortable. When your child begins to engage in adventurous eating, encourage them to use their other senses, such as feel and smell, to further explore and familiarize themselves with them. 

Don’t give up

It is a common reaction of parents to give up when they notice their children aren’t open to trying new foods. However, it is better to try and try again! The trick to getting your child to try something new is by keeping at it. Your child may like it, or they may not, at least not now! You can try various recipes to swiftly try various foods for your child. For instance, if you want to introduce your toddler to new fruits such as strawberries or kiwis, you can try various toddler breakfast ideas. Doing this helps you find creative ways of getting your children to try new foods.

Offer them a choice, don’t bribe them

The truth is, out of frustration in trying to get your child to try new foods, you may resort to bribing your child. Although this may yield seemingly positive results, it is an unhealthy practice. Bribing your child to eat new foods may cause them to overeat, only making them more reluctant to do so in the future. It also gives them a lot of pressure, which may make them more rebellious and adamant about not trying that food. You can avoid pressuring your child by giving them choices. For example, children may prefer to try new food when it is included with familiar foods. Therefore, you should make that choice available to your children. You can also help your children choose by giving them options and encouraging them to choose based on their senses. You should encourage conversations to make it easier for you to understand their issues with the foods and to find better ways of introducing these foods to them. 

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