Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Approaching the Concept of Death with Your Children

You never really thought about the process of talking about death with your children before. The idea of discussing serious topics can feel slightly daunting especially when you have very young ones who are quite impressionable. When it comes to dealing with the loss of a loved one you need to be honest with your little ones and talk about what has happened. Although there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do, it’s important to keep an open mind about talking about death. Consider some of the following methods to make the process slightly easier on yourself and your children.

Use Clear and Age-Appropriate Language

When it comes to talking about death with your little ones, it’s important to use language that is appropriate for their age category. Many parents worry that they have to use flowery, mythical language in order to soften the blow for their children. However, it is very important to use clear turns of phrase when discussing death, such as “they are gone,” “they have died” and “we won’t see them again”. This type of language may seem harsh, but children need to be told clearly otherwise they may get confused.

Look Into Memorabilia

There are many beautiful ways to remember a lost loved one, so you may want to involve your children in this process. Hilton Funeral Supply has a whole host of products, keepsakes and stationery to choose from if you’re planning a memorial service or looking to remember a loved one in a special way. Getting your child involved in this sort of activity can help to solidify what has happened and it gives them a positive thing to focus on during this difficult time.

Answer Questions Honestly

Children are naturally inquisitive people, so they will have questions about death and many other subject matters surrounding it. Answering questions as honestly as possible is extremely important as this helps them to deal with their emotions and shut down any question marks in their mind so they don’t feel frustrated.

Assess Their Mental Health

If you think your child is displaying worrying signs after losing a loved one, you may want to refer them to a mental health professional. Seeing a grief counselor might help them to come to terms with what has happened, especially if it is a very close family member. When a child loses a parent it is extremely important that they speak to someone who can help them work through those stages of grief. Although you may think that a child is dealing with a death in a healthy way, you should always keep an eye on them and talk to them openly about how they’re feeling.

Hopefully, you won’t have to open up about death to your children for a while, but when you do, you will feel as prepared as you can. Planting these seeds and making these considerations earlier will help you to feel as comfortable as possible when it comes to speaking about these serious issues. 

Image from Pexels - CC0 Licence

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