Tuesday, March 30, 2021

4 Considerations If You're Moving During The Pandemic

 You can’t always time life perfectly. Taking moving. You need to do it for several reasons, including that your current home has positive equity and you want to take advantage before the bubble bursts. There is a problem, though - you’re in the middle of a pandemic.

For many people, avoiding moving has been essential since they don’t want to take risks. However, at some point, you’ve got to outweigh the pros against the cons. If, for instance, your mental health is deteriorating due to limited space, it’s time to up sticks and find somewhere new.

Of course, the process isn’t simple when you have a situation like the one the entire world has experienced over the past twelve months. So, the key is to think of the considerations that can make it easier and safer. If you’re searching for inspiration, please free feel to use these four factors to your advantage.

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Accrue More Packing Materials Than You Need

You have more stuff than you realize, which means you’ll need plenty of packing materials anyway. However, it’s better to add an extra 5% or 10% onto what you think is necessary just in case.

Remember that you can’t nip to the local shop like you would usually. For one thing, it might not be open. For another, even if it is, it won’t be operating as usual. It could take hours to buy boxes and bubble wrap as you need to order it beforehand and stand in a queue with everyone else.

Picking up boxes from supermarkets - they usually have loads they throw away or save for customers - is a smart idea, as is asking family and friends for donations. If you end up with too many, you can always donate them. Anything to stop them piling up on the curb!

Bring Hand Sanitiser

Moving is risky because it’s almost impossible to avoid contact with strangers. Masks help, but it’s hard to enforce the rule when you’re performing laborious duties that require plenty of air. You should still wear them, when possible, yet you must also focus on other areas.

Keeping your hands clean is a prime example. Touching surfaces boosts the odds of contracting the virus as it can last for hours if it isn’t exposed to cleaning products or sunlight. Washing your hands isn’t practical when you’re moving back and forth all day, which is why sanitizer comes in very handy (excuse the pun).

The formula should kill most bacteria, as well as enveloped viruses such as Covid-19. You can wash your hands too to be on the safe side, but a sanitizer solution is often enough to eliminate nasty pathogens that lead to health problems.

Speak To Movers

You can’t move without expert help. If anything, the pandemic has made it worse as people have less access to the essential amenities because businesses are shut. Therefore, hiring a van without a driver is difficult.

Hiring movers full stop is challenging, which is why you should lean on local moving companies that aren’t too far away. The less they have to travel, the easier it is for everyone involved. Once their services are confirmed, it’s imperative to speak to them about their processes to evaluate whether they are suitable.

For example, if movers don’t wear masks or try and stay two meters apart from customers, it could make you feel uncomfortable. Every company will have a secure Covid-19 plan for their operations, so it’s not unusual or wrong to ask how they will perform their role while protecting you and their employees.

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Understand That Everything Is Harder

It’s a pandemic. There hasn’t been a period like this since the early 1900s, more than one century ago. These are difficult times that people of this generation probably won’t see again. So, to treat the move as the same as usual is wrong. It’s going to take longer and be more draining than ever before.

Merely looking at clothes you don’t wear anymore, or haven’t worn for twelve months, could make you angry or sad. As a result, it’s essential to schedule frequent breaks to take the edge off and lower your stress levels. Also, anything can happen regarding the moving company and getting the keys. Therefore, taking seven days off work as opposed to one or two will give you the flexibility to put out fires if they occur.

If you’re moving during the pandemic, don’t overthink things as the anxiety will build. However, try and spot the potential red flags and deal with them quickly and efficiently.

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