Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Your COVID Fashion and Religious Update One Year In

Welcome to your COVID fashion and religious update (you're welcome):

Kohl's has no dressing rooms open, even though they did last summer.

Target dressing rooms are still closed.

Macy's and Dillard's let you try on a zillion dresses and they are hung right back up. No sanitizing dressing rooms, no sanitizing clothing. Do you know how many prom dresses teen girls try on in the span of several hours?

So is COVID staying on surfaces or not? I can't seem to keep up; it's a part-time job trying to.

Also, if you're in New Jersey and are not vaccinated, STOP SINNING unless you are fine with face-to-face Confession! Seriously!

I remember that one time I had to prove my girls got the HPV vaccine so I could take a SACRAMENT. Um, just kidding. That would never happen. So why is this?

(for the record, I'm fine with face-to-face, but does that even make sense? nope ... shouldn't the unvaccinated be in some sort of Confession Bubble?)

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