Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Protecting Your Backyard Against the Winter Weather


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Don’t let the winter weather destroy your garden. Below are just a few ways to protect your outdoor space from the rain, wind and snow.

Fix up your fencing

If your fencing is damaged, now might be the time to get it fixed. Flimsy old fencing isn’t likely to last the winter – replace this with new high quality fencing. If you opt for wooden fencing, make sure that it is sealed to protect it from the elements. Metal fencing and plastic fencing may be more durable.  

Lock all tools and equipment away

Tools and equipment ranging from barbecues to shovels shouldn’t be left outdoors once the temperatures start getting cool. The wind, rain and frost could damage them – they are much better off locked away in a shed where the elements cannot get to them.

Add mulch to beds

Mulch is simply a layer of organic matter such as leaves of wood chips. By covering beds in mulch, you can help to insulate the soil and prevent the ground becoming frozen. This is important for the health of your plants. Mulch also has many other benefits such as preventing weed growth and reducing waterlogging.

Use protective coverings

It’s possible to protect plants from the frost and snow by covering them up. There are a number of different ways to do this. Micromesh tunnels are one option – these have tiny holes to allow ventilation, while keeping out the bulk of rain and snow (and wind too). These tunnels can be used to protect multiple plants in a row. Meanwhile, you can buy frost plant protection bags and micromesh tents for protecting single plants. Make sure that coverings aren’t on plants permanently – you may only need to cover them up at night when the temperatures are coolest.

Take potted plants inside

If you keep any potted plants outside, it may be easier to simply take these indoors whenever there’s a frost. This will help to prevent these plants getting frost damage. Just make sure that they are placed by a window so that your plants are receiving enough sunlight.

Remove deep snow

Deep snow will likely kill off your lawn and any other plants it submerges. A snowblower could be one easy tool for getting rid of this snow. You can read this article to compare a few different snowblowers on the market. Snowblowers should be used with caution – always check the instructions carefully to avoid hurting yourself, your plants and your neighbors.

Treat pond ice with caution

If your pond is frozen over and you have fish, it could be vital that you create a hole in the ice so that oxygen can get into the water. You should never attempt to smash the ice, as this could send shockwaves through the water capable of killing your fish. Instead, it is better to slowly pour warm water onto a specific area until you create a hole. 

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