Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How to Create a Backyard Movie Theater


Family movie night is a tradition, but maybe you want to mix it up a little bit. When the weather is warm, you can have movie night under the stars. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make some memorable movie watching moments.  

Find a Spot

All you need is a place for a projector, a screen and some seating. You need to have enough distance between the projector and the screen. This will depend on the size of your screen. Be sure the paths inside and to the snack table don't cross in front of the projector. You should also think about cord control. You will likely to have run at least one cord to the equipment. You don't want anyone tripping, so plan ahead. 

Make it Cozy

Bring out blankets and pillows. Set up an area with snacks and beverages. Don't forget the popcorn. You can sit on the grass or your outdoor chairs. If you want the ultimate experience, get outdoor daybeds. Complete the ambiance with some lanterns or hang lights in the trees. 

Set Up the Equipment

You don't need state-of-the-art equipment to enjoy the experience. Most indoor home movie projectors can also be used outside. If you don't have one, there are several inexpensive options. You will need some type of screen. You can purchase one or use a bedsheet. You could project directly onto the side of the house or fence. If you do that, you need to be okay with seeing the siding or slats in the fence as part of the movie. You can hook a streaming device or DVD player to the projector. The projector will have a speaker, but you can certainly add a higher quality one if you prefer. 

That's all there is to it. You'll be the envy of friends and neighbors. Be ready to host a lot of events. 

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