Friday, April 17, 2020

How To Choose The Best Daycare For Your Child

Photo by BBC Creative on Unsplash

From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, you need to make on decision after another on how you’ll raise your child.  It’s never easy, and you’re constantly wondering if you’re doing the right thing.  

Choosing childcare is no different.  You want to ensure you’re child gets the very best care in a supportive and stimulating environment.  To give yourself the best chance of finding the perfect daycare, you’ll need to start looking early.  The best daycares fill up fast and can have long waiting lists.  

Here are some things to look out for when choosing a daycare center. 

A Great Reputation With Parents 
Parents are extremely particular about their childcare, so if you find a Daycare that gets rave reviews from parents from children who have previously attended, or still do, then you’ve struck gold.  

Ask around for recommendations and check online reviews on Google and Yelp too. If you don’t know many parents in the local area, find a Facebook group and ask there.  

Good Facilities & Necessary Licences 

A quality daycare has clean facilities and a strong health and safety policy.  Not all facilities have the luxury of a lot of space but they should not be overcrowded.  

When you visit be sure to ask what safety measures they have in place including fire, hygiene, and building security.  

Each area will have its own laws regarding what licenses, qualifications, and insurance a daycare needs to have.  Ask to see all of the relevant paperwork and seek assurances that all staff are fully qualified and screened to work with children. 

Stimulating Activity Program 

Even if your child is still very young, they need to be in an environment that will stimulate them and help their physical, mental and social development. Ask them what a typical week looks like in terms of games, physical activity, stories, and free playtime.  

Is Supportive Of Your Parenting Choices

Within reason, a daycare center should respect your wishes with regards to certain decisions and seek to replicate them.  For example, if you choose not to use a pacifier, they should not use one to settle your child.  If you are potty training at home using a particular technique, then they should use the same one to avoid confusing your child.  

If they are inflexible on these issues then you are going to run into problems down the line.  

Healthy Food Choices

A healthy, varied diet in early life is one of the best starts you can give your child.  It reduces the risk of childhood obesity and a number of life-limiting conditions at a later date.  Ask to see what a typical menu looks like.  It should be filled with healthy choices with only the occasional treat.  

Don’t Ignore Your Intuition 
If something looks great on paper but you’re not quite comfortable with it, then take notice of your gut instincts. Visit on more than one occasion.  If you still can’t put your finger on what’s wrong, then keep looking.  This is too important a decision to get wrong. Don’t settle and add this to your existing mom guilt

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