Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Keeping Your Kids Occupied at Home

We’re living through unprecedented times. Around the world, people are being encouraged to socially distance and socially isolate as a result of the spread of coronavirus and Covid-19. Now, it’s our role to follow guidelines to reduce the spread of the virus and keep as many people as safe as possible. This can be difficult for anyone. But when you have kids off school and at home, it can be a really challenging time. Kids can experience boredom really easily and, if left unchecked, this can begin to manifest itself as bad behaviour. But not to worry. There are a number of different things you can do to keep your children occupied at home. Here are a few different areas to focus on.


First things first, many of us will be worried about how we’re going to help our kids keep up with their education. At the end of the day, you shouldn’t worry too much. All kids in the area will be in exactly the same position and education will be picked back up as and when everyone returns to school. But there are a few things you can do in order to keep their knowledge and skills up to scratch. The best route to go down will depend on your child’s age. For little ones, handwriting exercises, reading exercises and basic number problems can be great. For older kids, you can set projects. If you have kids on the verge of adulthood, they might want to start preparing for college applications with MyGREExamPreparation.


Kids love games. The good news is that there are plenty of different games out there that can be enjoyed indoors! If you already have board games or jigsaw puzzles at home, this is a great place to start. You can also try other games, like sleeping lions, hide and seek and “What’s the time Mr Wolf?”.

Arts and Crafts

Kids also tend to love arts and crafts activities. All you need are a few basic materials and their imaginations will run wild. Some things to try out could include:

  • Making mosaics
  • Drawing
  • Colouring in
  • Macaroni art
  • Making cards
  • Making bookmarks
  • Making plasticine models

TV and FIlms

We don’t tend to like leaving our kids in front of the television set for extended periods of time. But the odd TV show or film could be great for them. It keeps their imaginations ticking over and introduces them to new worlds! Many kids shows are also educational, helping with letters, numbers, colours, animals and more! 

It really can feel difficult to keep your kids occupied for such a long period of time. They usually have school, friends, clubs and extracurricular activities to focus their minds on. But stay positive. This could prove to be some great bonding time that can bring you together closer as a family!

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