Friday, April 17, 2020

New Mom? This Back-Saving Guide can Help You

New Mom? This Back-Saving Guide can Help You

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! It’s an exciting time, with many adjustments, especially if you’re a first-time parent. One of the things you might not have considered about this next phase in your life is how it will affect your back. If it’s already sore, here is a guide to help provide some back relief for you.

Why Your Back is Hurting

To help alleviate those backaches involves first assessing the cause of the issue. It’s not a coincidence that you’re sore and just had a baby; the two are related.
Here are a few problems that could be triggering your back pain:
  • Picking up baby incorrectly
  • Poor posture while breastfeeding
  • Not resting the back
  • An unrelated reason to baby
If this list is an eye-opener, please don’t let it overwhelm you. Don’t assume you can’t still carry your precious son or daughter either.
Instead, take the time to learn safer techniques and proper back care. The tips below can help you!

See a Chiropractor

A recent study suggests that chiropractic care for lower back pain can be more effective than the usual treatment of medications, PT, and self-care. While it was a trial, so the results cannot be generalized, the 2018 study is an example of how chiropractic sessions can lessen back pain and reduce the use of pain medicine.
Improving function and posture to help prevent the back pain from returning is an important part of chiropractic therapy. The total body chiropractic approach taken at Mind Body Spine addresses the root causes of the back issue, rather than only focusing on the pain symptoms, and addresses total body care.

Using Proper Lifting Techniques

Even a newborn can get heavy in your arms after a while. Then, add in the diaper bag you carry around when leaving the house, as well as moving the car seat in and out of the vehicle. Add on top of that any other stuff you’ll need to carry during the day.
To prevent a back injury or go easy on your back if you’re already feeling discomfort, then you’ll want to understand proper lifting practices. Firstly, as you lift the baby, make sure you bend from the waist.
Then, as you straighten up with the little cutie in your arms, keep him or her close to your body. Perhaps most importantly, use your legs to power your body back up.
Doing so will help to minimize any pressure on the back. While you’ll likely forget to follow this technique sometimes because routines have formed already, over time, it will become natural to lift with your legs. You’ll do so without thinking twice about it.

When Feeding Baby

The next time you feed the infant, check your posture. Are you slouching over?
While you’re likely doing that to bring your breast closer to baby, this move isn’t doing your back or spinal alignment any favors. Given how often you breastfeed the baby in a day, it’s vital to maintain a straight back each time.
Rather than hunching forward, instead, try to prop the baby up on a soft pillow to help bring her or him closer to your chest. That’s easier on the back than how you might have been doing it before.
Now you can maintain a straight back the whole time. You also might want to add a footstool to rest your feet and back while in the beautiful nursery.

When the Problem isn’t Baby-Related

In some cases, your backaches aren’t related to your role as a new mom. It might not be that you strained the back while caring for the baby.
Instead, the back issue could be symptomatic of something else. If you worry that is what’s happening in your life, make an appointment with your family doctor. This professional can help you assess the situation. He or she might recommend a specialist, such as a chiropractor, depending on your circumstances.

Conclusions on Back Pain as a New Mom

Treating chronic pain, whether it is in the back or another part of your body, is key to improving your quality of life. In addition to considering chiropractic therapy to help relieve back pain, you can start today to practice proper lifting techniques throughout the day.
Maintaining a straight back while breastfeeding is also important. Preventing back strain and injury will put you in good condition to play and care for the baby, along with your partner. If you feel overwhelmed or like the achy feeling is too much some days, reach out to your spouse for physical and emotional help.

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