Thursday, February 20, 2020

Saving Money Every Day

When you have children, life can get pretty expensive. You have extra mouths to feed, extra little ones to get from A to B, you’ll need to use more energy in your home to keep them all occupied and you’ll also probably find yourself forking out for extra hobbies and extracurricular activities. These are just a few of the basic necessary costs that come hand in hand with kids! So, it’s not all too surprising that most parents are always on the look out to save money. The more money you save, the more disposable income you can have and the more luxuries you can afford for your family. You could go on extra holidays, have extra days out, or simply afford nicer food, clothes, toys and more. So, here are a few simple steps you can take to save a fair amount of money on a day to day basis. Incorporate them into your lifestyle and you’ll see your disposable income grow significantly!

Reduce Your Energy Bills

A great area to start is cutting down your energy bills. At the end of the day, we’re all going to have to pay for some sort of energy in our homes. We need gas or electricity to get by and do the basic day to day tasks like cooking, having a shower, keeping the heating on and having light to still be able to see when it gets dark at night. But make sure you’re not paying more than you absolutely need to for the energy in your home. Lowering the cost of your energy is extremely simple. Just take a look on price comparison sites. These will compare all of the different energy providers on the market and let you know who’s running the cheapest offers in your area. Don’t stick with your current provider out of loyalty or convenience. Switching is designed to be simple and take barely any time. Plus, what’s the point in being loyal to a company that isn’t offering you the cheapest option? If you’re tied into a contract, find out your renewal date and switch then. When you’re browsing your different options, you may also want to consider green energy. Not only does this tend to be cheaper, but it will help you to reduce your carbon footprint and will prove a whole lot better for the planet - creating a better environment and atmosphere for your little ones to grow up in! Before signing up, also check for loyalty schemes. Some companies will offer a discount rate or money off your first bill when you use someone else’s referral code!

Cut Health Insurance Costs

If you have private health insurance, you can benefit from having high quality medical care for you and your little ones. The problem is it can make a significant impact on your bank account. A lot of health insurance doesn’t come cheap, especially when you’re paying for multiple people on your policy. Keep an eye out for discount insurance. This can prove a bargain! Just make sure to read reviews of your different policies to make sure they definitely cover any costs or expenses, treatments or medications that you need them to. It’s generally best to have more cover than less, to reduce your chances of having to fork out unexpected costs yourself.

Reduce Car Insurance Costs

A car can be an absolute essential when you have a family. Sure, public transport is great. But it can be difficult to manage multiple kids on the train, tube, tram or bus. Plus, you will find yourself having to walk between stations and stops to get where you need to be, which can result in little ones growing weary and getting grumpy or throwing tantrums - especially if the weather is bad. A car, instead, gets you quickly from one destination to another and you needn’t rely on timetables and can travel any time of the day or night. One cost that comes hand in hand with this convenience, however, is car insurance. This is simple to reduce, though. Just have a black box installed. This is a small device that monitors your driving behaviour when you’re out on the road. You’re going to be driving safely with your kids in the car anyway. This just proves you’re a good driver to your insurance company and they will reduce the cost of your policy accordingly.

These are just three steps you might want to consider to reduce your day to day outgoings. There are plenty more out there, but these should help to get you off to a good start!

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