Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Have to Have an Eco-friendly Home

It’s easier than you think to have an eco-friendly home, you don’t even need to make big changes, just keep an eye on your everyday habits and make the necessary tweaks to your interior and the general running of your house. For those of you more green-thumbed there are things you can change in your yard as well. With a little bit of awareness and some effort made, you can definitely have a more environmentally friendly home in 2020. 


You can make changes to both your interior and exterior in order to make your home more eco-friendly by improving the insulation. This means helping to keep the heat inside your house and protect it from the outside weather. This will not only keep your warmer for longer but it will reduce your consumption on gas, therefore saving you money as well as the environment. Have all your windows double-glazed. This will greatly reduce heat loss. Consider replacing the windows if there’re not already double-glazed and you will definitely save money in the long run on gas. You will also reduce noise pollution as they are more soundproof. 

Looking into the rest of your exterior. Are you on top of your general maintenance? A well maintained home is a greener home and you will save money on repairs. Is your roof in need of any work? If so, consider getting in touch with a residential roofing company such as Vertex Roofing. The better condition your roof is in the more insulation it will give you as well.

There are things you can do to improve insulation with interior design. Carpets and rugs help to keep the warmth in, and can be an attractive feature piece to any room. Trends in 2020 include fun patterns ranging from natural blends to maximalism, so you can really go with the style that most reflects your taste and personality. Individuality is key to 2020 trends so be the most 
unique you can be.


In order to save on electricity as well as gas you need to think about your lighting arrangements. First of all, switch to LED lightbulbs as these are more energy efficient. They last much longer and hardly waste any energy of heat, making them an economical addition to your home as well. You might want to also consider how you can maximize the amount of light in each room. Of course you want to let as much natural light in as possible, so avoid blocking space around or below windows. Have the walls or ceiling painted mainly white or lighter colours, in order to scatter light around the room. You can add colour with artwork and furnishings, so your home is as bright as it can be. 

Alternative fuels

If you have the resources you could even consider installing solar panels. These will then use the sun’s renewable energy to power your home. For help on how to install solar panels, there are handy video tutorials available online. If not there are many ways you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Recycle and reuse 

There are many changes you can make to your lifestyle at home in order to reuse and recycle as much as possible. Reuse any containers such as bottles, tupperware and jars. Buy refillable water bottles for you and your family. This will last for a long time and you can reduce your plastic waste. You can even do some research to see if there’s a store near you which allows you to fill up your own containers and minimize packaging waste. Try not to over-buy in the supermarket and consider supporting local grocery stores, butcher’s and bakeries. Look into where the products you are buying come from, are they ethically sourced? Sticking to local produce is a safe way to ensure this as you know that much less has been spent on their manufacture and transportation. 

Reduce waste

Make sure everyone in your household knows how to recycle waste correctly. Implement a system. Use the government containers provided to separate different materials such as plastic, cans, glass and paper. Keep a separate garbage can for organic food waste and if you have outside space, create your own compost. This will help your garden grow and you can recycle old eggshells, teabags and vegetable and fruit peelings. 


Go through your cupboards and see which products you can replace with more sustainable materials. Cleaning products for example, have a lot of dangerous chemicals which can be replaced by natural ingredients. You can even make your own in most cases, from household items, saving money as well as the environment. Think about the other little things you use everyday and which are necessary and which others can be replaced by a more sustainable option.

Second-hand items

When refurbishing your home with new items why not considering going second-hand? This is a much more sustainable option and you can find nearly-new quality goods. If you need a new sofa or table why not check out antiques stores as well? This will also provide a quirky and unique flair to your home. You can even get crockery and cutlery and these will be much cheaper than newer designs. 

Ditch the car

You don’t necessarily need to get rid of your car completely but it is the culprit of the majority of people’s carbon footprint. Walk shorter distances, or consider taking public transport. You could invest in a bike. It’s great exercise and much better for the environment. 


These little guys help to clean the air around you as they eat up all the carbon dioxide. They also have been proven to improve your mood and create a calming atmosphere. Decorating your home with green life will remind you of your important commitment to the environment. 


Share your ideas with your neighbours! You can help each other by carpooling and hosting swap shops of unwanted second-hand items. Spread the green joy across your town!

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