Saturday, February 15, 2020

4 Tips for New Pet Parents

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Becoming a pet parent is an exciting and wonderful time. Aside from the feeling that you are giving another living creature a happy home, you also have the knowledge that you now have a new best friend.

Of course, you want to make sure that you are giving your new cat or dog the best care possible. With so much information out there, it can be difficult to know exactly where to begin.

Here are four things that you should make sure to take care of when you bring your pet to his or her forever home.

1. Microchipping

When you bring your pet home, the last thing you likely want to think about is the possibility of them running away. As unpleasant as it is to consider, however, it is important to make preparations in case it should happen. This is particularly important to do early on as your pet might be confused about his new home.

In addition to fitting your pet with a collar complete with tags, you should look to have your pet microchipped as soon as possible. By having your pet chipped, you are ensuring that if he or she should get lost and somehow lose the tags on their collar, they will still have your information on them at all times.

2. Vaccinations

From kennel cough in dogs to distemper in cats, there are several illnesses and diseases that are easily contracted by your pet. Fortunately, there are vaccinations that your pet will receive that will ward off any such infections. It is important to take your pet to the vet within the first week that you have them in order to establish what vaccinations they already have and which one they will need in the future.

Opt for a vet that is both affordable and convenient for you like those at easyvet Veterinarian Frisco. They have highly qualified experts who can help you with all the vaccinations your new pet needs. You might be surprised at just how many vaccinations they need. 

3. Spaying or Neutering

If you have adopted your pet from an agency, then they might already be fixed. If they aren’t, however, they are so many reasons for you to do so. Having your pet spayed or neutered is one of the most important ways for you to ensure that he or she maintains their health throughout their life. From behavioral and mental health to the physical benefits, particularly in females, having your pet fixed is all around a good idea.

4. Behavioral Training

When you rehome a new pet, you always face the possibility of behavior issues arising. They are in an entirely new environment surrounded by new smells and sounds. For these reasons, it might become necessary to have your cat or dog go through some behavioral training to help him or her to adjust to their new home. Setting up an established routine for your pet is always a good idea as well.

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