Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Education And Care: Take Your Teaching Career In A New Direction

If you’re well and truly in the swing of January and are ready to take all the new adventures and challenges that 2018 has
in store, then this is the right post for you. Often, a new year encourages you to access the past twelve months so that you
can better understand your successes and the areas of your life that you want to push forward, improve, and develop. A
common thread for many is their career, and getting as much job satisfaction and reward as possible when they get to the
weekend with their family. If you’re happy and enthusiastic about your line of work; your motivation will filter through into
each aspect of your life, which is great if you’re a working mom and have a busy household to maintain.

If you’ve worked in education for a while; you’ll already have developed a variety of skills that could lead you to all sorts of
different avenues. If you’ve been considering taking your job and career in a bit of a new direction and heading for your
ambitions this year; there’s no time like the present to begin planning your actions and discovering all the potential options
that await you. As a mom and a teacher; you’re already pretty prepared for an array of challenges, and you can make this
the year that you take on some new ones and ensure that you’re happy with your work/life balance. The following are some
ideas for those who want to take their qualifications and experience in education and do something different, for a fulfilling
and exciting year ahead.

Counseling And Health Care

If you love working with kids and young adults, and your experience have developed your understanding of their behavior
and how to help them through life; heading towards becoming a counselor could be a great option for you. If you’re
concerned about taking up studying on top of your working and family hours; check out accredited online counseling degrees
so that you’ll have more flexibility regarding your time. The work you’re doing within a school or college can often complement
studying counseling, so talk to your colleagues and senior members of staff about your goals so that you can work out the
best plan of action for your future career. Extra qualifications can lead to opportunities to work with young people in a variety
of different environments, so it’s worth thinking about where you can best utilize your skills and the sort of challenges you’re
ready to take on.

Private Tutoring And Flexible Hours

If your resolution this year was to work independently and remotely so that you could focus more on caring for your family
and have a better work/life balance; you could consider becoming a private tutor. You’ll need a space in your home that will
provide an effective learning environment or the means to travel to various homes, places of education, and public spaces
where you can meet your students regularly. You’ll get all the rewards of helping to educate young minds and could assist
students in getting the grades they need to fulfil their potential or gain entry into the college they desire. There are all sorts of
ways to have a positive impact on a young person, so use this time to explore your many options, and you’ll have a year to
look forward to ahead.

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