Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The First Trial of Marriage Starts Before Your Wedding Day

When you finally meet ‘the one,' life takes on a whole new meaning. Even the gray days become colorful, and you can’t imagine anything could be better. Then, as though to prove you wrong, he gets down on one knee and confirms that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You spend a day or two on cloud nine, wrapped in his arms and dreaming about the life you’ll share. Then, reality hits. You have a wedding to plan. A WEDDING! Let’s be honest; it’s no easy task. Before you know it, your bubble of romance is gone. You and your man start spending less time together while you scrabble around and make arrangements. When you do get to see each other, you speak about weddings the whole time.

If the above sounds familiar, know that you aren’t alone. The stress of planning a wedding is extreme, and the lead up isn’t romantic at all. It may well be the happiest day ever, but it feels far from it when things are going wrong. The risk, during those planning stages, is that you and your man drift apart. It makes no sense. You’re planning a day to cement your lovel. But, when you’ve both got your heads somewhere else, it’s easy to neglect what matters most. And, make no qualms about it, your love should be the priority. After all, there won’t be a wedding if that love doesn’t survive.

So, how can you make sure you keep your love alive through the mayhem? As with anything, it’s important to do things together. There’s an age-old belief that the woman should be the primary wedding planner. We are, by nature, the planners. Of course, that’s not true for every relationship. Your man may be the one with a plan. But, the outcome is the same. One of you does all the work, and the other is left out of the loop. Sharing responsibility could be what you both need. It’s a day for both of you, and working on plans together will keep your connection strong. Plus, it will ease the burden. No one person should have to take on that much work. If you’re worried about letting go of the reins, turn to something like these free wedding invitation templates to show your man what to do. But, make sure not to boss him. You’re in this together. What he wants is as important as what you want. Let him have his say, too.

It’s also important to spend time together away from the wedding prep. Chances are, weddings are all you’ve spoken about for too long. Remember that you fell in love with each other when a wedding wasn’t on the cards. There’s more to your relationship than that. Conversation about other things will help you through. Set aside one night a month or so where you ban all talk of weddings. Go out for a meal and enjoy each other’s company the way you used to.

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