Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sick Of Resolutions That Never Last? These 5 You Can Stick To For Life

The promise of transforming your life with a New Year’s resolution is always exciting. Especially for the first few weeks or months. After that, it all seems to go downhill. You mean well at the start and want to improve your health, lose weight, or stop smoking. But, it’s always harder to do that you first realize.

It’s time to realize that most resolutions don’t work. The whole idea of making them sucks actually. Usually, the resolutions we make are unattainable. They’re too hard to stick to, and they just don’t fit your personality or your lifestyle. So, instead of setting yourself up for failure, work on things you can change and stick to for life.

Love Your Home

One of the first things you can do, and learn to keep on doing for life, is to love your home. Most of us want to change a thing or two, or completely redo the decor. It’s not that easy to fall in love with where you live, but if you do, you’ll probably live a happier life. We’re happy when we feel a home in a beautiful place. If you want a happy and healthy home, fix it up a little and let yourself become house proud.

Spend Quality Time

Next is one that will probably make you smile. Commit to spending quality time with your significant other, your children, or your parents this New Years. You probably try to do something all together every now and again but think how special it will be to purposely block out some time once a week just for them. Or, you could even plan a trip once a month. Whichever you decide, just make sure you commit to doing it. It could make your life feel worthwhile.

Invest In Yourself

How often do your treat yourself? Whether that’s to time on your own, doing the things you love, or to an item of clothing or jewelry that you’ve always loved? The chances are that the answer will be never, or very rarely. So, change that for 2017 and into the future. Invest in yourself. Take an hour out to read, run yourself a bath, buy yourself quality Merino Snug Ethical Wool Clothing or a sparkly new ring. You deserve it.

Enrich Your Mind

And while we’re on the topic of you, it’s time to think about your own personal development. You might always focus your attention on others, but it’s not a crime to want to improve your own happiness or better your prospects. Make a promise to yourself that you’ll read more, watch more old movies or write more - whatever it is that you love and enriches your mind.

Focus On Your Finances

And finally, on a more serious note, let today be the day that you finally get on track with your finances. If you’ve been saying to yourself that you want to adopt better financial habits in the future, do it now. It might take work, and it might take practice, but you can take control of your finances, pay off debts and save more. Step into 2017 with a prosperous future and never go back.

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