Saturday, June 1, 2019

FUNNY Family Math Word Problems #4

Here are parts ONE, TWO and THREE. Enjoy!

  1. I have 5 children. The first 3 are 22 months apart. Then there is a gap of 34 months, then the next 2 are 22 months apart. What is the probability that I've only had sex 5 times in my life?
  2. The kids made $35 at our recent garage sale during two days of hard work. The adults made about $25. Three strangers asked personal questions like when am I going to stop breastfeeding. Why do I keep having garage sales?
  3. I spent $123 at Aldi, $132 at Price Chopper and $21 at HyVee on grocery shopping for two weeks of eatin'. How much faster did I get my shopping done without children?
  4. A stroller travels at a speed of 2 mph when it is empty. How fast does it travel when it is holding my 6th child (laptop Toshiba) and my backpack with my cell phone in it? With how much force did it hit the park lake last week? Why the hell did I not have the brake on the stroller? (don't worry; no kids were in the stroller!)
Hope you enjoyed this installment of Funny Math Problems. Have fun figuring out the answers and here is part FIVE!!

originally posted October 11, 2012

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