Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pools and Drive-In Movies with a Bunch O' Kids

First of all, I want to apologize if you get my bloggy via email because some of you are getting it a day late. Yes, that can make you a dollar short, if you got the Friday Freebie email a day late, for instance. Sorry about that, and I will use all my technical expertise to check into the situation. Seeing as how that ain't much, the problem might be fixed in early 2015. So just come to the blog if you think about it. Which I know you do. Like every single minute of your day.

Second of all, my Sunday Weekly Wrap-Up show is slacking hard. Here's the wrap-up of last week: We had a ton of fun. Aron was out of town and we missed him tons like always.

Moving on.

Yesterday we went to the Lifetime Fitness outdoor pool for 4 hours with a friend who is a member. We got in for free and got FREE lunch for all dozen of us. We saved like $70. It's for sure freebie weekend for us! My friend is a good influence on me in that she encouraged me to go to Chik-fil-A. I am a good influence on her in that I encourage her to go to the pool! Michael lost a tooth in the pool, but the Tooth Fairy came anyway last night even without a tooth to take.

Later Joel was like, "Can we PLEASE go to the drive-in?????" And I was like, "There is no way I can do that with no Daddy to help." Aren't I negative? The thing about me, though, is that I might say there is no way, and then I go ahead and do it anyway, thinking the entire time, "It will be fine." Damn Geminis.

So here are a few pix from the drive-in. In Kansas City we go to the I-70 because they have 4 screens.

We like to grab Aldi food on the way ... like M&Ms and chips and juice pouches and other culinary nastiness. They were closed when we got there, though, so we hit Mickey D's (sockless in the car!) and got some frozen lemonades, Coke, food and cookies.

We had a great time! I felt all super-prepared with everything we needed and we even parked backwards like the cool kids do. Sam sat some, meandered around in front of the van some, sat on my lap, got sleepy but didn't go to sleep until we drove over to the 2nd movie for a few minutes.

The only decent photo I could grab since it was dark. This is from the previews.
I have fond memories of the drive-in from when I was a kid. We would go all the time and my dad had a rockin' 1970s van so I could fall asleep in the bed in back when I wanted to. So of course we take our kids as often as we can. Last year we didn't go at all so we were dying to go now. It was sad to go without Aron, but we had fun seeing Ice Age #27. Snow White and the Huntsman was not for us, so we drove over to the end of Spiderman then went home.

We got to talk to Aron on the way home. He had worked another long day. Turns out he will not be home Monday after all and will be gone longer. I cried on the phone because I miss him. Don't feel sorry for me, though, Readers, because crying just means I am still in love head over heels and that we like each other. He said he was proud that I took the kids to the drive-in and that he prayed for us!

All but Joel fell asleep on the way home, so basically getting all the sleepers in the house is my biggest challenge. I had the 3 oldest kids inside and in bed when Michael asked, "Did you put the Littles away yet?"

Total cost $8 for the drive-in movie for 6 of us because my kids are all under the age of 12.

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