Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Last Day in Wyoming :-( Utah's Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City

Friday (Day 33 of being away from home) found us once again at Utah's Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. We were only there about 3 hours but it was totally worth it. Aron was going to be in SLC later to return his rental car because, frankly, they told him they needed it back and he could not have it INDEFINITELY. We also could not stay at the ranch INDEFINITELY. I love that word.

Right out of the gate we had to get ice cream cones since we missed the cut-off last time. It was hot hot hot today.

Then over to the new area with the sea lion and polar bear and river otters. Eva wants a river otter "for my birthday." She always says "for my birthday" when I tell her no to something at first.

We also didn't ride the carousel last time. This is all 5 of my kids watching the carousel longingly, but I wasn't paying 10 more bones for another ride when they are FREE with our membership at The Kansas City Zoo! I'm thinking when we get home I could put them all on the carousel and then sit on a bench and read a book while they ride til they puke.

Then we found a nice shady spot to play ... they didn't want to leave this spot. A wooded spot with rocks. Huh. Go figure. They are at the ZOO and they just want to play HERE. Yes, it is time to move to the country.

How gorgeous is that? 

After 6 we had to tear ourselves away from the zoo to venture downtown the back way to try to find Aron at the car rental place. We pulled up to find him ... on the phone with work, of course, with another "emergency." I get it, though. I mean, we are dealing with natural gas here, folks, and the whole thing could blow sky high at any time. Did I mention my man needs a huge bonus for this job? If his boss is reading this, may I please remind him about LASAGNAS and COOKIES that will come his way if he treats my man right?

But I digress, as usual. Once we hoisted Aron into the van we made our way "up the mountain" back to "home" = Evanston, Wyoming. You spend 5 weeks in a place and it becomes your home, you know? If any of you out there are relocating or moving away, let me tell you about about the month mark it starts to get a teensy bit easier to be away from your old home and to settle into your new home. We hit the Subway then went "home" to finish packing and so I could watch Aron clean like a crack you-know-what (this is a family blog, people, and I don't say here what I say on Facebook!!!!).

If you missed any installments of the Real World: Wyoming series, head to the right-hand side of this here blog, look for Categories, then click on Wyoming. And if you aren't following The Kerrie Show on Facebook, you are missing out on some cool stuff every now and then and more naughty content!

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