Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Real World: Wyoming; Day Nine

Tuesday we decided to stay inside and not get anymore sun on purpose. When we prayed at bedtime last night, Aron asked God, "Please don't let my kids get skin cancer."

An atypical homeschooling day where everyone is calmly at the table.

Michael chose to sit at a different table and play Legos and Moshi Monsters.
So we made it a go-to-town day and spent a small fortune at WalMart on food, things to do, face cream for me (costly, yet cheaper than Botox, and when you have your own show you have to try to look good), and tons of vitamins since I have decided I am going through perimenopause (probably there will be a blog post on that one to come since I can't pass up making fun of womanly things). Also needed some school supplies.

So we powerbraked it out of the Kingfisher Bend Ranch, up the gravel road and onto the highway. We made it there and back! Got some powertrain error on the van when it died in town, so we'll have to check out a mechanic since Aron has (1) no tools here to fix the van and (2) zero time to fix the van since he's always at work!

Sam's Big Purchase: Thomas the Tank Engine jammies.
Aron worked a super long day and still got home and took the 4 awake kids to the pond for a little fishing and hanging out. On the way, they encountered many bulls who were being kept out of the main pen on purpose. The kids were FREAKED (OK, I was also freaked), but the managers said it was fine and we believed them. As the kids neared the bulls, the ran away. Wish I had a picture of that one but Sam was slung over my shoulder and it happened to fast!

Quote of the day from Michael: "[The show] River Monsters really bothers me. It's inappropriate for kids."

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