Thursday, March 1, 2012

Porn in My Pocket: Adults

Okay, so yesterday I talked about kids and cell phones. Believe me, adults aren't much different. Please don't get me started on the grown adultsI see walking and texting and they don't even acknowledge that their kid is walking next to them or that there is a car barreling down on them at 60 mph and they should get out of the damn way. I'm shocked that some people still have two working thumbs.

So texting is one way adults act like jackasses with phones. Butt-dialing and drunk-dialing is another.

Then there's the fact that you can access porn anytime you want! So for a sex addict, having a phone in the pocket is like an alcoholic having a little bottle of vodka in the pocket. Or like a recovering drug addict having a little bottle of pills in the pocket. Just in case, of course. What a temptation!

It creeps me out that any guy I encounter could maybe be NOT checking baseball scores while waiting in line for his McDonald's, but looking at naked chicks. I've seen guys doing it at the library, for God's sake, why wouldn't they do it on their own phone in front of people? When I see it at the library I just want to smack him upside the back of his stoopid head and ask, "WHY don't you just get internet at your own damn house? Why do I have to walk behind you AT THE LIBRARY and find out that you like large ladies?"

C'mon, anonymous comments. I know you have opinions on this one! Not that I have a fully-formed argument. I don't want to take the Internet off cell phones, so I don't know what the heck I want.


  1. Yes, that it's on their phones and they can look at it in public is gross and creepy, but not the major issue here. Statistics show that PORN only destroys lives. The women who star in it, The men who use it, The women who are married to the users, the children who are molested because of it, women who are raped by addicts who want to act out their urges in the next stages of their obsession with it...the list goes on and on.

  2. Well said. I'm sure every woman has had some sort of bad experience because of porn.

  3. Yeah, I've seen porn devastate marriage and relationships. It's crazy. A lot of serial killers will tell you that's how they had all their weird fantasies started.

    I DO have internet on my phone but it's hidden. Also, there are free apps you can use or some that cost only a little that'll protect your internet on the phone. ;)



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