Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old Picture Tuesday … Me and My Boys

So this picture isn’t that old. It was taken in August of 2007, when I was 6 or so months pregnant with Eva. You can see Callie’s little body in the background. We took a bunch of pictures that day at a homeschool picnic, and I absolutely love this one of my precious boys. They are such good boys, too. They play well together, they are great helpers around the house, they can get themselves ready to go places with no problems. They are amazing, and I am so happy God is letting me raise them (and my girls!).

Here are Three Reasons This Baby in My Belly Has to Be a Boy …

… because I have THREE blue lounging items for the kid (tiny bouncy seat with attached blankie and vibration, bigger bouncy, and low-to-the-ground bouncy/bassinett that vibrates).

… because I bought those stickers for the back of my van, and one pack was a baby boy AND a baby girl. I have the baby girl on the van and am just waiting to use the boy.

… because I’m good-to-go on estrogen in my house for now.

Too bad we never find out the sex of our babies before they are born. Don’t get me wrong, either: a girl would be wonderful, too. I’m happy with whatever comes a flyin’ out of my va-jay-jay in October.


  1. Lovely photo and a beautiful post.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    from Raggedy Girl/Roberta Anne

  2. Happy St. Pat's Day. My favorite color is blue -- it works for girls too, ya know. Just add flowers :)


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