Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I keep forgetting to do this review, so I’m just gonna slap it together and make it half-assed as only I can do (although I do include links to a rockin' review and also some trailers). Sorry, and you’re welcome.

I compare this THREE-HOUR epic (a sorely overused word, but it fits here) to Forest Gump. Only the female lead (Daisy in Benjamin Button) turns out to totally come through in the end and proves to be a strong woman.

Everyone thought I wanted to see this movie so I could check out Brad Pitt, but he’s not really my speed (although he’d be the ideal person to hook up with since he clearly loves children!).

You gotta love an original idea (based on a SHORT story by F. Scott Fitzgerald), when there are so many crappy movies out there these days. A guy aging BACKWARDS? Don't get me started.

I recommend it to chicks especially. Here’s a better review and some trailers.

Bottom line: I give this movie 8 ½ Dove chocolate hearts. For me, it was a 4-Kleenex movie as well.


  1. I've been thinking about seeing that movie thats for the review (s) :D

  2. He doesn't love kids too much or at least value them very much. Did you see the picture of him recently? He had one of the little ones in a back carrier while he was riding a bike and didn't bother to put a helmet on the kid. Stupid idiot! If that was Britney Spears CPS would have taken her kids but because it is the all good doing Pitt no one says a word.

    Here you can have your soapbox back ;)


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