Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Five Great Careers to Train in Later on in Life

 The world is changing, and so are the needs of employers. As baby boomers retire, many companies look for skilled workers to fill the gaps. Many people have discovered that it's easier than ever before to train in a field they love. Training in a new career can be a great way to reinvent yourself. Here's a list of five great jobs that you can take up later in life.

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Event Planner

If you have an eye for detail and enjoy hosting events, event planning might be a great career to train in. Event planners are needed by companies of all sizes, from small start-ups to large corporations. Event planners use their creative skills and business savvy to plan any event, from weddings to corporate retreats. They must coordinate vendors and resources with guests' needs while staying on budget.


Therapy is a gratifying profession for people who want to help others. It's also a great career to train in later in life. There are many different paths you can take as a therapist, and there are always new opportunities for therapists looking to do research or work with specific populations. Additionally, the need for therapists is on the rise, which means that now is an excellent time to start training. If you're interested in this career opportunity, plenty of online classes are available.


Lawyers are a necessity in the modern world, and they're needed to represent clients, protect their interests and help settle disputes. While many legal professionals attend law school directly after high school, you can also become a lawyer after first training as a paralegal or an administrative assistant. In fact, the average age of students at Yale Law School is 25, meaning it is never too late to pursue a legal career. To help with your law school application, work with experts such as Stratus Admissions Counseling for your best shot at securing a place.

SEO Specialist

If you love the internet and marketing, becoming an SEO specialist could be an excellent career. With the advent of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, savvy marketers have developed ways to get their company to the top of search engine results. You can become an SEO specialist by taking website development, web programming, or digital marketing classes. Once you have those skills under your belt, you can start looking for freelance work or apply for jobs at companies that need help reaching customers online.

Dental Assistant

Dental assistants often work side-by-side with dentists and other dental professionals. They may help prepare patients, transport them to treatment areas, or take x-rays. Dental assistants also may help with the placement of dental instruments and assist in restorative procedures. Becoming a dental assistant is an excellent career for those interested in the healthcare field but who don't want the higher level of responsibility that comes with being a doctor.

Remember, when it comes to retraining in a new career, you can never be too old. Plus, with age comes more life experience and a different view on life, which many jobs can benefit from.

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