Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to be Calmer in Life

 Have you ever seen people be totally calm in even the most difficult situations and wondered what their secret was? Some people just seem able to keep a level head no matter what is going on around them, and it is these people who are the most healthy in mind and body because they don’t allow external influences to affect them. They keep grounded and peaceful and are therefore better able to come up with solutions to the problems facing them. If you would like to know how they can do this and use this calmness in your own life, here are some great tips. 


Image from Pixabay


Regular Exercise 

Exercise is crucial for many reasons, and the ability to keep calm no matter what (as far as possible, at least) is one of them. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, hormones that are known to improve the mood substantially. In fact, ensuring your hormones are well balanced in general is also a good idea, and there are many ways to do this, including online testosterone replacement therapy


When you feel happy, you will also be calmer, and you won’t make any rash decisions. If you think of the times you have felt stressed and angry, you will know that it’s easy to say or do the wrong thing that you later regret. Exercise more and have more endorphins in your body, and you will be able to think before you act, keeping you calm. 


Practice Mindfulness 

Life is busy, and being busy all the time doesn’t always leave much time for being calm; it’s stress and anxiety for most of the time. This is where being mindful can help immensely. Being mindful means living in the moment and not worrying about what happened in the past or what is going to happen in the future because, for the most part, you cannot change this. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, and finding your best path may take a little time, but it will be worth it. 


Some people find that meditation works well for them, for example. Others prefer a walk in nature, yoga, or doing something artistic such as painting. You simply need to find something that takes up your entire focus, even if it’s only for a little while. When you get back to ‘real life’, you will be much calmer for it. 


True To Themselves

What is it that you love more than anything? What puts the biggest smile on your face? This is the path you need to follow, either as a career or hobby. Not doing what you love will lead to frustration and sadness – it could even cause depression. Honoring your own truth and doing what makes you happy will reduce the frustration you might be feeling and help to keep you a calmer, happier person. This is true even if there are aspects of your life that you don’t like; as long as you find time to do whatever makes you smile, you will still be calm. In fact, this can help you deal with the less positive parts of your life because you will be better able to think about them and come up with a rational solution. 


Down Time 

It may feel as though you simply have to be on the go at all times to get everything done and keep everyone happy, but this won’t help you to be calm and could even mean that your productivity and efficiency are reduced. Taking some time out to relax and just unwind, whether that’s a vacation away from it all or an hour or two of doing nothing at home, will mean you can come back to work or life in general with a better attitude, and you’ll be refreshed. This means you will get your work done more efficiently, even if you have a little less time to do it. This is a great way to remain calm – if you feel yourself boiling over or feel totally overwhelmed, just step away. It doesn’t have to be for long, just enough time to re-set yourself, and then you can continue calmly and more happily. 



Trying to please everyone all the time means that you can end up feeling dissatisfied, not just because it means you find it hard to say no and are therefore busier than you should be, but also because you are not being true to yourself. Every time you agree to do something that doesn’t fit with your true ideas and feelings, you are stopping yourself from doing something that you really do believe in and want to do. The more honest you can be by saying no when you can’t take on any more work or when you disagree with what is being asked of you, the calmer and happier you will be in general. 

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