Monday, April 19, 2021

It's Almost Hayfever Season, It's Time To Prepare!

 Any type of health complaint is not nice. Whether it’s aches and pains, or chronic headaches, it is not pleasant to deal with. This is the exact same for those who suffer with hayfever. Summer is almost upon us and with that comes the difficulties bestowed upon us by hayfever! Essentially it is manifested by inflammatory irritation of the ears, eyes, sinus system, and mucous membranes located at the top of the respiratory system.

Photo: Unsplash

What is the cause of hayfever?

In the blood of patients with hay fever, there are special antibodies to proteins that can be found in particles from a living source, mold, or plants that are carried naturally in the air. These special antibodies do not exist in every person as they attach to the proteins inhaled by the patients and as a result of the link to the allergens, the cells that carry the antibodies, called mast cells, undergo a process of breakdown and release various substances. Also, hayfever is most commonly caused of course, by pollen season.

What are the symptoms of hayfever? 

The main symptoms of hay fever are divided into two main groups: in the first group there are symptoms that appear already a few minutes after inhaling the allergens and in the second group there are symptoms that appear delayed only a few hours after exposure to the allergen. You may find you:

  1. Sneezing and coughing more

  2. Wheezing

  3. Watering and itchy eyes 

  4. Itchiness in general 

  5. Headaches or sinus issues 

Whilst they can vary from person to person, it is most often how it manifests in people. In order to combat it, you may want to look at something such as an antihistamine; these are often found in chemists or you can get it through your doctor. You can also look at certain natural elements to help you in your quest for freedom too. 

Natural remedies

Whilst these are few and far between, often honey is recommended, or manuka honey for added benefit.  You should also consider removing any food that is processed as this is what causes extra mucus build up in the mouth and throat, which can antagonize hayfever! In addition to this, using natural oils to help clear the airways could work, including menthol and infusing peppermint and lemon oils in the air. It is vital to keep fresh air flowing through the home too, although this may feel like an impossibility with the pollen count is high. Open your window a little, because stagnant air also plays a role in aggravating your allergies. 

There is no easy way to relieve these issues; because oftentimes they are part of our make-up and DNA. However, every seven years our cells renew and some people find that their hayfever is not as bad or disappeared altogether; so there is certainly hope. However, if you find it is becoming too problematic, speak to your doctor because you may have seasonal asthma too and therefore would need an inhaler for those days where you need an extra helping hand! 

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