Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Making Your Home More COVID-Safe: 4 Top Tips for Homeowners


Photo by Burst from Pexels

This year’s festivities will be so different from those we have been planning over the past months. Of course, this is to keep our families and loved ones safe. However, now that the vaccine is becoming much more than just a distant mirage, we all started thinking about the gatherings we will organize once things calm down. 

However, some of the pandemic consequences are not bound to leave us anytime soon, so it is crucial to get your home ready to minimize the chance of contagion in the future. 

Swap to Touchless Designs

When it comes down to minimize the risk of virus spread in your home, touchless designs are the way to go. Indeed, these make it a lot easier for you to clean surfaces and wipe any contact point while reducing the number of surfaces you need to touch. This is especially important if you have an extended family or you are looking at inviting some of your friends over. 

You can see here some inspiration for touchless faucets designs to consider for your bathroom, guest restroom, or kitchen. However, you can also implement other technological systems to control your doors, windows, or appliances through your phone. 

Move Your Reception Area Outdoors

If your family home is blessed with a patio, veranda, or small garden, it is time to make the most of it. Of course, winter does not seem like the perfect season to start gardening. However, there are still a few months in between us and the good-weather season. And, if at some point restrictions are eased or the vaccine curbs the rate of contagion, you might want to start inviting your friends over. In this case, your patio or veranda will be a lifesaver!

When looking at this home improvement, start by ensuring that the area is sheltered from the elements - at least to a degree. Make sure you add furniture, blankets, and pillows to make the area warm and comfortable. Of course, don’t forget that outdoor heaters and lighting might be necessary.

Add Extra Sanitation Stations

It has never been so important to keep your hands clean and be mindful of your hygiene. This is crucial for both you and your guests. So, you might decide to add extra sanitation stations around the house. 

Because the demand spiked over the past few months, today you can find sleek models on the market that are bound to fit the needs of any home. Whether you are looking for a sanitization station that merges with your home style or are happy just to keep a bottle of sanitizer at the entrance, make sure there is plenty available for everybody. 

Invest in Natural Cleaning Products

Undoubtedly, every household will be spending a number of hours cleaning and sanitizing surfaces over the next few months. Even if you usually make do with cheaper options, it is now time to be more mindful about the cleaning products you bring into your home. When used often, strong chemicals can severely damage surfaces and release dangerous compounds in the indoor air. Find some extra tips for effortless cleaning here.

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