Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Out Of The Box Ways To Make Savings At Home

When it comes to saving money at home, there are all the usual things you can do. 

You can cut down on your energy-wasting habits, and you can also switch utility providers in an effort to lower your energy bills. You can stop spending money on those items you don't really need in your life, and you can buy cheaper items from the supermarket when doing your food shopping. 

These are all effective ways to save money at home, but there are other things you can do. By thinking out of the box a little, you can also make savings, so consider the following and implement them in your life.

#1: Learn some new skills

If you had the know-how to do certain things in your home, you wouldn't need to waste money using the services of others. So, consider taking a course or two to improve your abilities. We aren't saying you should take something as grandiose as a building or plumbing apprenticeship program (unless you wanted to move into those careers), but you could still take those basic courses that would equip you with a few repair skills to maintain certain parts of your home. These skills could also come in handy when decorating or renovating your property. 

When you know how to do certain things yourself, you wouldn't need to call out the relevant professional to fix things for you, and you wouldn't need to outsource all of your home-based projects. You wouldn't make any costly mistakes either, so in all kinds of ways, you will save money.

#2: Unplug one day a week

Do you want to know why your electricity bills are sometimes so high? It's because of the abundance of electrical items in your home. There is your television for starters, and there might be video game consoles, laptops, tablets, and other such items in your home. Not only are these items responsible for running up your energy bills when they're plugged in and turned on, but they are also responsible for limiting the other things you could be doing.

So, set a day in the week with this one simple rule: No devices! This is easier said than done we know, but if it's possible, consider the option. For that one day a week, you would reduce your electricity usage. You would also have time to do other things with your day, such as spending time with your hobbies and playing board games with your kids. You could all go out for a walk together too, and you could plan other things to bond as a family. After a while, you might all become less reliant on electrical devices, so you might consider spending more of the week unplugged.

#3: Make your own household items

Here's one way to cut down your supermarket shopping list: Make your own household items. There are all kinds of things you could make, including household cleaners, beauty products, laundry detergents, weed killers, and more. For inspiration, check out this list of homemade products, and do what you can to create them yourself instead of buying them from the store. You won't only be saving money, of course, as by creating your own items, you will be doing your bit to save the planet too. Many store-bought products come overloaded with toxic chemicals, and these aren't very friendly to your family's health or the environment.

#4: Ditch the car

(Unsplash CC0)

Many of us are over-reliant on our cars. While they are a convenient way to get us from A to B, they also become expensive to run if we are forever using them. Not only do we have the cost of fuel to consider, but there is also the wear and tear (and the subsequent maintenance bills) that will inevitably come from too many trips out in the car. 

So, the next time you're thinking about getting behind the wheel, ask yourself: Do I need to use the car? If you're only going short distances, you could walk or cycle instead. And if you're using it for school or work, you could use public transport or car share with another. When you drive less, you will save money. You will also have the opportunity to exercise more, which is something we should all be doing. And once again you will be doing something to protect the environment as, without a reliance on your car, you will be reducing your carbon footprint. 

#5: Repurpose rather than buy new

Sure, you could spend all of your hard-earned cash on items both large and small, but if you already have items at home that could be repurposed, there is little point in buying new. Think of the plastic bottles you might throw into the recycling, for example. They could be used as reusable drink bottles for your children's packed lunches, or they could be used as watering containers for your garden. Here are lots of other ways to reuse plastic bottles, each of which will rule out the necessity to spend your money.

Then think about your pieces of furniture. When items become worn, you could replace them with something new, but it would be more cost-effective to reupholster them instead. Alternatively, you could give them a new lease of life by transforming them into something else. Check out these upcycled furniture ideas for a few examples, and keep them in mind the next time you're tempted to either throw old pieces away or buy something brand new. 

Consider all of those other things in your home that you might otherwise discard or put in the attic. Could they be repurposed into something else? Especially when it comes to those items you might think about buying, it might be that you have what you need at home already.


There are all kinds of ways to make savings at home, and we touched upon just a few. Continue your research online, and do what you can to reduce your usual expenses. With that extra money you save, you could put more of it away for Christmas, vacations, and your retirement. And you would have more money in your savings for any emergencies too! So, consider our suggestions, and come up with other ways to make savings at home. 

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