Friday, October 2, 2020

5 Tips For Returning To Education

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There is an old saying that we learn something new every day. But the fact of the matter is, that when we leave education, our skills and ability to adapt and learn will go into remission somewhat and we don’t get to flex our learning muscles as often as we like. 

You may be drawn back to education, and you may have a strong urge to learn, but returning to college after a time away can still be very daunting, even if we have that passion for learning.

So, when it comes to returning to college, what can be done to make life easier for you while you adapt? 

In this article, we’ll take a look at returning to education as an adult. We’ll share some of the best tips to help you get the most out of your college course. 

1. Involve The Right People In Your Decision Making

When it comes to getting support on deciding which college course to take, school leavers will get help from their teachers, but who is there to help older students who are going back into education after a break?

You are not alone in your decision making. Talk with friends and family, reach out to the college or university, or speak with your current employers. There are people who will be able to offer you support and advice so that you know that you are making the right choices with the courses that you are applying for. 

2. Understand The Support That Is On Offer 

Speak with the college or university and find out what type of student support there is on offer. There may be a special department that aids mature students who are returning to education 

3. Start Studying Before The Term Begins

Don’t wait until your course starts to get into learning. Often, you’ll be able to get copies of the reading lists before lecturers even commence. Get a head start and begin reading these. You could also use online resources such as UWorld to start revising your subject area ahead of the commencement of your course. 

When learning in college or university, the focus is very much on self-directed study. Get into this habit early on and don’t wait to be told what to read or study. 

4. Connect With Your Tutors Online

Before your course starts, you could get in touch with your tutors via email. Talk to them about any apprehensions that may have about your course or studying. Tutors will have allotted time to devote to connecting with students in this way, so don’t feel as though you are a burden for getting in touch. 

5. Connect With A Wide Range Of Other Students 

It is essential that you don’t just rely on your tutors for all of your academic contact. Connect with other students on your course, and on other courses. Your fellow students may well be future professional contacts. Don’t write off time spent building connections with them early on. 

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