Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Stress-Busting Tips To Help You On Moving Day


(Unsplash CC0)

Moving day can be stressful, but thankfully, there are ways to make life easier for yourself. You don't have to suffer a meltdown because of all the tasks you will need to get on top of, and you shouldn't need to book yourself in to see a counselor after moving day is over. By following the tips below, the big day should go by relatively smoothly.

#1: Give yourself plenty of time

When you are dealing with the realtor and discussing the time you will be moving into your new home, don't arrange a morning move. As excited as you will be to get into your new house, you should leave it until late afternoon, as this will give you more time to do everything you need to do. You are then less likely to panic when you realize you can't find the cat (see the next point) or when you discover you have forgotten to pack something vital. You will have more time to breathe, and when it comes to your stress levels, that can only be a good thing.

#2: Re-house your children and pets for the day

Especially when you have young children, you might find it best to re-house them for the day. By which we mean finding them a childminder, as you will then have one less thing to worry about when you're getting ready for the move. The same applies to your pets. Your goldfish will be perfectly fine, but if you have cats and dogs that love to go wandering, you might want to hire a pet sitter to look after them to ensure they don't get lost before the move. You will have more peace of mind when your kids and pets are being looked after, so consider the option.

Check out our other essential tips for moving with kids.

#3: Enlist as much help as you can

Other than finding a pet sitter and childminder, there are other tasks that you might seek help with. These include house cleaning, the packing and moving of boxes, and any last-minute repair tasks that need to be completed before you shut the doors of your old home for good. Enlist your family, friends, and neighbors if you think they will be willing to help. And when looking for a removal service, opt for a company that will help you pack too. Allied Van Lines is just one example. Many hands make light work, or so the saying goes, and your day will certainly be an easier one if you have that extra help.

#4: Think positively

Despite taking steps to make life easier for yourself, you might still experience worry. You might start to wonder if you're doing the right thing by moving, and you might start to feel emotional at the prospect of leaving your old home. These feelings are normal, but to reduce your emotional stress, think positively. Remember why you're moving and list the benefits in your head, as you should then feel excited and glad instead of anxious and sad!

We hope these tips were useful to you, but let us know what you think. And if you have any other stress-busting tips for our readers, be sure to share them in our comments below.

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