Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Moving House with Kids The Essential Survival Guide

They say that one of the most stressful things you can do in life is moving to a new house, and with kids in tow, the experience can be one you’ll want over in a hurry! Here is the essential survival guide to moving home, ensuring everything goes according to plan.

Stick to Your Normal Routine

Many children struggle with change. When moving home, it’s important to try and keep your daily routine as normal as possible. Although you will have a mission on your hands in packing up your belongings, make sure to eat meals at the same time of the day, as well as factoring in quiet time too. If your children are old enough to understand, you should prewarn them that moving day is going to be a little hectic, as well as creating a checklist to ensure everything goes to plan.

Give Your Kids Control

Giving your kids a sense of control and responsibility can go a long way when it comes to moving home. Allow them to pack their most treasured possessions such as toys and books. Also, keep all your moving paperwork in one binder. Being organised can make the day less stressful and give you more time to spend with your children.

Keep Your Kids Entertained

To ensure your moving day goes off without a hitch, you should have a plan in place to ensure your kids are kept occupied and entertained throughout. Make sure to arm your children with toys, games, and gadgets for when you’re travelling from A to B. If you can, allow them to play outside so you can get stuck into boxing up your personal belongings.

Take Time for Yourself

Taking some time out of your moving day to relax is incredibly important. While there may feel like an endless list of tasks to complete, taking on too much can run you into the ground. Even taking 10 minutes to find a quiet space where you can breathe can make all the difference and help you stay in control. While working to a time limit can be stressful, there are plenty of tips that you can incorporate you keep you feeling relaxed and prepared for the big day ahead.

Ask for Help

If you are a single parent, you may want to consider contacting your family and friends for some help. Trying to get everything organised while looking after your kids simultaneously may seem like an impossible feat, therefore, enlisting help from your nearest and dearest can mean there is one less stress to worry about. Having someone to take your kids out for the day while you move everything out of your home will mean you can focus on what needs to be done. You can also enlist help from the Inner City Moving & Storage Company who can do all the hard work for you, helping to make your move go as smoothly as possible.

Whether you’re moving down the street or to a completely new area, it’s important to have a plan in place to ensure your moving day goes as smoothly as possible. Keeping your kids entertained throughout the day can be challenging, so don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends who can look after your children while you get on with packing everything up.

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