Thursday, September 17, 2020

8 Ways To Make a Boring Gift Stand Out

 When it comes to giving gifts, it’s fine to admit that you’re a little boring with your choices. If you’re the type to give socks during Christmas and chocolates on someone’s birthday, you shouldn’t feel ashamed or bad for your lack of creativity. As the saying goes, it’s the thought that counts–right?

For most people, that’s the case. Most people don’t really care what kind of gift you give them. They’re just happy to receive something at all and are more than happy to know that you’re thinking of them. However, it’s always a great feeling to know that your gift is both well-received and managed to surprise your recipient. As such, we can often invest quite a bit of time into picking a gift for someone special in our lives.

But did you know that there are lots of ways to make your present stand out no matter what it is? In this post, we’ll be looking at 8 ways to make your boring gift stand out and become a lot more sentimental and memorable.

Source: (CC0)

1. Add a personalized note to it

One of the easiest ways to make a boring gift stand out is to add a hand-written or personalized note to it. If you buy a gift online, you usually have the option to add a note to it for a little extra. This is a great way to add a little message with your gift and it’s a fantastic opportunity to show your recipient that you’re thinking of them as you send the gift.

2. Wrap your gift before you send it

You can make things a little more special by wrapping the gift before you send it. There are lots of wrapping paper choices to pick from but you’ll generally want to pick something that is suitable for the season or occasion. Again, if you’re buying from an online store there will likely be an option to add a gift wrap to it in addition to a personalized message. Gift wrapping weird shapes can be a little challenging, but it’s usually much easier to box them up before you send them.

3. Add a ribbon and a name tag

The presentation has a huge impact on the way your gift is perceived. Make sure you go the extra mile by adding a ribbon after you’ve wrapped the gift and consider putting a bow on it. The gift will stand out a lot more and it’ll show that you’ve put a bit of extra work into making it presentable. You should also add a tag to it with the recipient’s name in your handwriting, and you should consider a handwritten message on the back of it as well. This isn’t something that an online store can offer, so you’ll need to do this yourself!

4. Give the gift in person

Even if you have the perfect gift, it’s not going to matter much if you’re unable to give it in person. Being there when you hand the gift over makes the gift much more memorable and adds a lot of sentimental value to whatever’s inside. Even if it’s a boring gift, giving it to your recipient in person will make it a lot more special. While we understand that it’s a little bit difficult to give someone a gift in person if they live far away, it certainly helps with adding sentimentality to it.

Source: (CC0)

5. If it’s a generic gift, try and personalize it first

If you’re giving a plain gift such as a shirt, socks or even a mug, try and find ways to personalize it to make it a little more special. There are plenty of gift stores online that will allow you to add custom messages or images on the items you send. This can make them a little more special and will certainly be more memorable and sentimental. If it’s something practical, make sure you don’t customize it to a point where it’s embarrassing to use it.

6. If you’re going to send something common, put some thought into it

Things like chocolates, flowers, socks and gift vouchers are really common presents. However, you can make them stand out a lot more if you put a bit of thought into it. For example, a flower bouquet with the Orchid of the month or your recipient’s favorite colors is going to stand out a lot more than a generic bouquet from a florist. Similarly, if you’re going to buy a gift voucher as a present, make sure it’s for a store that your recipient actually frequents so they don’t feel forced to shop at the store just to use it.

7. Attach a sound message or video to it

If you’re sending a gift to someone with help from an online service, you can usually attach a video or sound message to it. This is the equivalent of adding a personalized message, but you can use a video or record a clip of you speaking instead. This is a fairly common choice if you’re sending a gift card or digital download code via an email. You can record a little message to show that you’re thinking of your recipient and congratulating them if it’s part of the occasion.

8. Surprise your recipient with something high-quality

Common gifts usually have very high-end alternatives. For example, a cheap pair of socks can be replaced with an expensive and comfortable pair instead. These not only feel great on your feet but are guaranteed to last much longer than a typical pair. Similarly, something common like a box of chocolates can be upgraded to a big luxurious box of treats that will blow any supermarket chocolates out of the water.

Hopefully, this article has shown you that it’s possible to turn a rather boring and uninteresting gift into something a lot more fun, unique and sentimental. It takes a bit of work on your part, but it’s well worth it for the memories.

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