Thursday, June 18, 2020

3 Tips For Giving The Perfect Gift In Quarantine

The thing about quarantine is that it’s happened to everyone. No matter who you are, where you’re from or your standing in society, you will have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which has swept our world. We have all felt isolated, confused and frustrated - and in many places, quarantine is continuing long after we’ve become bored of it.

One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is our celebrations. Despite what’s going on in the world, we are still having birthdays, anniversaries, and exciting news which warrants gift giving! It seems impossible, though, to think of anything to buy for your friends and family, who have all undergone a stressful period. You want your gift to mean something, but are worried it won’t come off quite right. Never fear! Here are three key tips for gift giving in quarantine.
  1. Keeping It Personal

Everybody is feeling extra-fragile at this time. Especially for those who are living alone, a lack of social interaction is very detrimental to a person’s mental health. If you know someone celebrating a birthday or other special occasion who has felt low during this quarantine, make sure your gift is personal. Instead of a generic buy, think of things that are specific to that person, their tastes and their sense of comfort, such as a personalized name necklace

For example, someone who enjoys personalized messages might enjoy receiving some jewelry with handwriting from you. This is an intimate touch to a generic gift - and something they can keep for life. 
  1. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask

Many people shy away from asking a person outright what kind of gift they want. It seems like a cop-out, a last resort, because you couldn’t think of anything! However, during quarantine, many people have struggled not just mentally but financially. This might mean that someone you’re shopping for may be behind on buying new things for their home, or in need of new clothes. Even something practical for their home might be what their heart desires most!

In these circumstances, reaching out is so important. Asking someone, ‘What do you need?’ is an act of love - even if you feel a little hesitant to do that. The person receiving your gift will be appreciative of the fact that you have reached out personally to them and asked them directly how they are doing, and how you can help.
  1. Something To Look Forward To

Just because your friend is celebrating in quarantine, it doesn’t mean you have to give them a quarantine-related gift! Quite the opposite. Being savvy enough to realize that this person is probably living for the moment their life can resume, makes you an awesome friend. Gifting them something they can use at that time is a great idea. Perhaps vouchers for their favorite restaurant which might currently be closed, or booking a spa day to celebrate re-openings. This will give this person something to hold onto while they endure more weeks of solitude. Plus, it’s something you can enjoy together, celebrating their occasion long after quarantine is over!

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