Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Different Things You Can Do During Self-Isolation

With many of us now either in self-isolation or facing the fact that we might need to at some point during the near future many people are worried about feeling cooped up indoors without their normal freedom to get out and about. It’s normal to worry about self-isolation, however, there is plenty that you can do to keep yourself occupied and still feeling like yourself. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Although it’s not nice to think about not being able to leave your home, your home is your safe place and it is full of things that you can do to keep yourself focused, let’s have a look at some of the things you could be doing if you have to self-isolate: 


If you’re not feeling great then, of course, your health and recovery is ultimately the most important thing to focus on. But, if you’re feeling fine and are self-isolating not because of symptoms but because it’s necessary to do so you could take advantage of the time at home to complete some deep cleaning. Many of us take some time each year to perform a more thorough clean of homes, so why not do it now. If you’ve managed to grab yourself some cleaning supplies why not think about cleaning out your cupboards, cleaning your carpets and floors, and washing all the materials in your homes like your bedding and curtains. Not only will this help to eliminate any hidden germs, but it will also keep you busy. 

Recreational Activities 

There is no reason you can’t use this time to relax and distract yourself from all the seemingly bad news that we seem to be getting at the moment. Think about all the activities that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s completely large puzzles, playing online slots games, reading a book, baking, watching films or baking there is bound to be something that you enjoy doing that never seem to usually get the time to do. 


Exercise is essential for keeping us physically fit and mentally well. This means that you should try to still get the daily recommended amount of exercise while you are in isolation. Have a look online on platforms like Pinterest for some exercise routines that you can complete at home. You could even turn it into a little challenge if you are isolating with other people. Or if you have been meaning to dedicate some time to get fit, why not take advantage of this time to start your journey on becoming fit and healthy. Chances are you’ll probably have less access to fast food and temptation like goodies in the stores so this will naturally go hand in hand with your new exercise routines.  

When self-isolating, never forget that there is support if you need it. Make sure you let your family and friends know that you are in self-isolation and if you need anything ask them to drop it off at your door. If you’re worried about been cut off from people, make sure to make an effort to speak to them each day. 

These are just a few of the many things you could do if you have to self-isolate, do you have any other recommendations that you could add to the comments below? 

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