Monday, January 20, 2020

Moving Home Without The Headache: What’s The Secret?

In an ideal world, moving from one property to another would be a seamless, frustration-free experience. Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world, and moving home is often a stressful time for most people involved. Still, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any ways of moving home without limiting the amount of stress involved in the exercise.

The truth about moving home without the headache is that there aren’t any secrets as such. Instead, there are a few common-sense approaches to take on board before, during, and after the event. Take a look at the following information to learn more about what you need to do:

Get your new home professionally cleaned

Before you physically move into your new abode, it makes sense first to get the property cleaned by professionals. Sure, you could go there and do the work yourself, saving money in the process. But you can’t be in two places at once! You’ll need to be at your existing home, sorting out everything to get packed away, and disposing of items you no longer need.

Believe it or not, hiring a company to clean your new home professionally isn’t as expensive or time-consuming as you might think. That’s because such service providers have teams of people dedicated to the task, making light work of what would otherwise be a mammoth task for your fair hands!

By hiring a cleaning company for your new home, you can rest assured knowing that it’s ready to move into without needing to clean any surfaces or carpets.

Hire a removal company to pack and transport your stuff

The actual process of packing and moving your worldly goods to another property is, quite frankly, a nightmare on many occasions. The good news is that you can leave that side of things up to a removal firm. As professional movers, their job is to carefully pack your items and ensure they reach their destination intact and in the right rooms.

Make sure that you shortlist only top rated movers in your area. To do that, make a note of online reviews. Of course, don’t forget to ask your family and friends for recommendations on companies they have personally used in the past.

Book at least a week off from work

Some people are crazy enough to move home one day and go to work the next! As you can imagine, you need to spend some time unpacking all your possessions and putting them in the right rooms and storage areas within those rooms.

Be sure to book some time off from work before, during, and after the moving date. That way, you can devote your time to moving home and making sure that nothing goes wrong in the process.

If you need to give your boss plenty of notice before you book any vacation leave, make sure you do that. After all, the last thing you want is to potentially lose your job because you forgot to book some time off from work!

A week should allow you enough time to move home and iron out any possible issues and to get your old home ready for sale or handed back to your landlord.

Coincide your moving day with school holidays

If you’ve got one or more children, it can feel very stressful trying to move to a new home and remembering to take them and pick them up from school during the day! That’s why it makes more sense to coincide your moving day with any school breaks.

Whether you involve your children with the moving process is up to you. However, you are more likely to get things done quicker if your kids were getting looked after by close family members or friends. Still, if you are hiring a removal company to pack up and move your belongings, having your kids around shouldn’t be too stressful an experience (for you or them).

Keep some food and drink accessible on the day

Last, but not least, you should ensure that you’ve got a supply of food and drink for both you and your family during the big day. You could, of course, opt to buy some takeaway food and drinks. But, as you can appreciate, it’s not a healthy way to eat, and especially for an entire day and evening.

The evening before you are due to move, keep a supply of food and drinks in an easily accessible box or bag.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and good luck with your move!

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