Monday, January 20, 2020

Alternative Easter Gifts

Now that Christmas is out of the way, Easter is fast approaching. All of these holidays seem to get closer together, spilling into each other as shops start stocking easter supplies before the Christmas sales have even finished and as a parent, it can all be a little stressful. 

If you haven’t finished the festive treats yet, or you know that your children will receive chocolate from other relatives, you might be keen to gift something a little different. You may even know people that don’t like or can’t eat chocolate but don’t want to miss out on the fun. Or adults that want to get into the Easter spirit without regaining all that Christmas weight that they’ve struggled to lose. 

Fortunately, chocolate isn’t the only thing to gift at Easter. There are plenty of alternative options, whether you are looking to cut down on chocolate or to find something to keep the kids busy over the school holidays. Here’s a look at some cool alternatives. 

An Easter Basket

If you still want to buy chocolate eggs, but you’d like to include other gifts and treats, an Easter basket from Amish Baskets can be a great idea. You could buy a ready-made basket or purchase an empty basket and create your own gift, including small eggs, as well as toys, clothes, and other gifts. Or, you can just fill it with chocolate, but at least they’ll have the basket as a keepsake afterward. 

Homemade Cookies

Homemade gifts are always thoughtful, and cookies are easy, cheap, and versatile. You could stick to chocolate, try shortbread, add fruit or go for classic oatmeal and raisin for something different this Easter. You could even decorate the cookies in easter patterns or shape them like eggs. 

Planters and Gardening Sets

Whether you are religious or not, a key part of Easter is the celebration of Springtime and new life. Gardening sets and fun planters are a great way to explore this theme. Buying your kids their own gardening sets gives them a way to create their own spring garden, and it will keep them busy for a while during the holidays. 


If you are looking for an Easter gift for an adult, or even yourself, continue this theme with a bouquet of fresh flowers. Tulips and daffodils are always popular in spring. 

Craft Supplies

If you are looking for a gift that will keep the kids busy over the Easter holidays but still ties into the themes of Easter, some craft supplies could be the answer. By easter bonnets and the things that you need to decorate them, or some paints to make your own Easter eggs. 

Board Games

Most parents are keen to find ways to get their kids off screens and increase the time spent together as a family. Board games are a great way to achieve this. Look for some games that the whole family will enjoy and schedule some family time to play. 


Books are always a great gift. Find some about Easter, spring, or for younger children, the Easter bunny to stick with the themes of the season. 

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