Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Give A Little Back To Your Community

Giving back to the community is such a valuable thing to do which can feel incredibly important and it’s so vital to ensure your community is growing and becoming more successful. This can be implemented in many different ways but there are some simple ways to get back into the community. Especially if you have been previously in trouble or had some criminal record previously, it can feel good to help out. If you have a Record Suspension or you would like to prove your with within the community. 

Photo: Pixabay

Tidying Up 

You can find work in your neighbourhood by seeing what local groups help clean up the streets, keeping the place tidy and clean. Picking up trash, keeping the streets safe and clean is a very important task and the results can be seen immediately. It’s a lovely way to get involved with neighbours, to find out what is going on locally and to feel part of something. Often these types of groups are desperate for people to help, whether it’s cleaning up the local parks, or making sure all the trees and streets are cultivated and looking pristine. Search Facebook for local groups and get involved, it’s a good way to give back. 

Photo: Pixabay


Donations are never going to go a miss. Whether you’re donating to your local shelters, or to charity and thrift stores, they will always be glad for a donation. Clothes especially in the winter months are very important for homeless people. Shelters also accept blankets, any kind of bedding, clothing, food, this time of year, it’s vital to help those around you and make sure they’re getting what they need when they need it the most. Donating is great if you have too much clutter or you’re wanting to sort through your old boxes of belongings that have been stored in the attic or basement for far too long! You can often donate to your local hospitals too for children such as old toys and games are usually welcomed and it is such a positive for everyone! 

Visit a Senior Center

There are probably a few local nursing homes locally where there may be elderly people who are lonely or perhaps no family to visit them. Some residents may just be wanting someone to chat to, even if they have dementia, they may just want to have a little babble on to someone with a friendly face and often staff do not have the time to commit to helping all of them individually. Stopping by with games, having a cup of tea for just an hour or so a week can make all the difference and the Christmas period is definitely a difficult time when people should come together to help. See what homes are local to you and ask about volunteering for an hour or so to put a smile on someone’s face. The power is in your hands and you have the chance to give a little back this Christmas time.

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