Thursday, December 26, 2019

Crawling Back to Weight Watchers with my Tail Between my Legs

Back in 2016, I wrote a post about how I hated the new Weight Watchers points system. I know they need to change it up to keep members interested, but I was CHEESED OFF and didn't like how it worked! 

Fast forward a few years, and I hit over 160 pounds on my 5 foot 2 inch frame over Christmas (Hershey kisses while wrapping presents is not a good idea). My back and knees have been hurting (among other issues), and I realized I needed to do SOMETHING. 

Honestly, I feel so powerless over food sometimes that I cry, but I don't see a healthy future for myself if I don't make a change. I'm also trying to avoid thyroid medication for as long as possible, having been diagnosed with Hashimoto's autoimmune disorder in August of 2018. It's probably time to have a little less gluten, dairy and sugar and see how it makes me feel and behave.

So on a whim (which we all know is God talking to us), I signed up here (you can get a free month and so can I if you sign up using my link) and answered some questions, which determined I'm in the Weight Watchers BLUE plan (you could also do GREEN or PURPLE... they each have a different number of SmartPoints versus ZeroPoints). Then I printed off my monthly pass with bar code so I can get into the meetings and printed off my 200+ zero-point foods list.

I need to weigh in soon to figure out where I'm starting, but I think I'm going to try to stick with a Monday night weekly weigh-in. I'd love to know what I weight right now on their scale, but I should probably just start following the plan and hit a meeting in a few days for the first weigh-in.

Okay, so here are your steps:

  1. Sign up (for a free month on me LOL).
  2. Answer the questions to determine your plan.
  3. Print your monthly pass.
  4. Get the WW app for easy tracking on the go. You can also track on your PC. I do both.
  5. Print the zero-point foods list if that is included in your plan. This is my BLUE list (purple has more and green has fewer).
  6. Start working on your meal plan. The more prepared you are for each day, the better you'll do and the easier it will be to say NO to certain things. Don't say, "I can't have that" (because you can eat anything you want on WW) … instead say, "That's not on my plan today."
  7. Figure out the weekly meeting you want to hit and go to your first one for your first weigh-in.
  8. Come back here and let me know how you're doing! Or you can find me on Facebook and post on the page or leave me a message!
I'm a pretty transparent kind of girl, so I'll let you know how it goes on the sidebar every week. This is like my 5th time around with WW, so I'm praying and hopeful.

My plan is BLUE, which means I get 23 points per day to use however I like plus 28 per WEEK to use all in one day, over the week, or not at all. Very flexible. I also can eat from a large list of 0-point foods, like tuna, beans, fat free this and that, veggies and fruits. It works if you work it, no joke.

How much am I paying? About $30 a month since I got the 3-month plan. You can save more if you sign up for 12 months. If you are entirely unsure, you can go month to month.

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