Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Thrift Store Shopping After the Orthodontist Appointment

This morning I took my 14-year-old daughter to the orthodontist. The purpose of the visit was to take pictures of her teeth/bite with a digital camera, as well as X-rays, so we could get a treatment plan going and figure out financials. You see, this is going to be our family's fourth turn on the Braces Merry-go-Round.

Almost-18-year-old Joel is on his second round of braces (I think he started when he was like 11 or 12). (fun fact: did you know you can't join the military if you have braces? I might bribe the orthodontist to keep those braces on past Joel's 19th birthday LOL)

Michael is 16 and got his braces on fairly recently … last fall maybe.

Callie should get hers put on late June after a baby tooth is pulled or falls out on its own and we get the down payment together.

*Sidenote: payments start soon for my own double tooth-pulling situation by an oral surgeon and subsequent bone grafts and coming implants.

Callie had been begging me to go to our thrift store "in town" … which means 10 minutes away when you live in the country-ish. I said, "Hey, we are in this fancy part of town, so why don't we go to the Fancy Goodwill!" She agreed.

It was just okay. She found a three shirts and a cardigan for about $20, and she spent her own money. I bought her some barely used shoes for $9 and found myself a huge black bag for $15 (would've been $40 at Target, and my other one is falling apart; if the straps hold on this new bag from the weight I like to put into my bags, we are good to go).

We had a nice time together … some alone time like a little mother/daughter date. I hunted for a massive slow cooker, a hair dryer, dish drainer and a Waterpik to no avail. I have this ongoing thrift store list. It would be a garage sale list if I ever went to garage sales anymore. I probably need to start so we can save money.

So I ask you: do you go thrifting? Yes, it's a verb.

Do you do it for the hunt aspect or for the money-saving aspect? I for one am addicted to my Amazon and Target lifestyle where I can quickly and easily get anything I want but at a price. I should have checked the book section at the thrift store today; might have found some books we are planning on reading in our homeschool in the coming years.

**Callie likes the hunt aspect. I like the saving money part of it.

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