Wednesday, October 24, 2018

4 Reasons Why Everyone Uses Travel Photos on Their Dating

A potential photo I would use if I were on the hunt for my husband, like back in 1995 ;-) Taken in Galveston Island, Texas
Have you ever been on a dating site or browsing through Instagram and feel drawn to someone’s photo simply because of their background? It happens every day. We are starting to see that more and more individuals are becoming ‘outdoor’ and ‘cultured’ beings. So why is this newest trend of making a travel picture an profile picture; especially, for dating sites? If you need inspiration, travel expert and photographer D. Scott Carruthers delivers unbelievably breathtaking photos that can boost your profile picture.

With dating sites, you always want to put your best foot forward. Even if it is hanging off a cliff with clear blue waters underneath. The more daring the more attractive, right? Maybe for some. Being well-traveled is perceived better than having a picture taken by your fireplace. Here are 4 Reason Why Everyone Uses Travel Photos on Their Dating Profiles.

1. A different side

People want to show a different side that isn’t shown on a daily basis. It is already known that certain colors on a photo attract people to view your profile. This is also true for those that use dating sites. Dating sites are used for capturing a person’s attention and hoping that they become Mr./Mrs. Right. Therefore, showing a side that is not seen every day is ideal. There is a saying, “Everyone is showing off their highlights.” You could have used all of your savings to get to Greece to take that one breathtaking photo in front of the pillars of Olympia. That breathtaking photo just caught the eye of someone that you define as your type.

2. Travel shows romance

Lisa Marie Bobby stated that many people do not think their day to day routine shows who they really are. If they work a 9-5 then chances are they don’t have much time to “let their hair down” or go out with friends. It can be a challenge for some when it comes time to put yourself out there on a dating site. This is the reason for dating sites, but for those that have that chance to take a vacation once a year, will find a way to capture that perfect travel picture. Dating experts say that having people in your background or a drink in your hand can increase your likes.

They are saying have a bar in presence, but a simple drink that you enjoy – alcoholic or not – make it as presentable as you are. Travel can be perceived as romantic. Especially, if you pair yourself with hanging lights on a local street in Rio de Janeiro in a sleek white outfit with a drink in hand or holding your hand out while hiking in Machu Picchu. Regardless of the scene, it shows an interesting, fun, and sexy side to the individual. Couples who travel together, live happily together. Traveling gurus like D. Scott Carruthers also agree about the love language and excitement that traveling can be seen as on a dating profile picture.

3. Travel decreases stress

Stress levels can decrease for several reasons, but traveling is considered one of the top stress reducers. This is because your brain is perceiving wonders that are outside of what you normally experience. Think about Paris, taking a picture with your back to the lights of the city while you’re atop the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe is in focus behind you; does that not sound like a stress reliever? Those interested in you will see that you’re capable of releasing your stress into the air and capture a moment of peace. Peace is a valued concept that is hard to achieve at times. If you are able to achieve peace within yourself and capture it in a picture, you become more desirable.

4. Conversation starter

Researchers say that a travel photo makes the individual seem like an adventurous, rich, and interesting person that own their self-development. This translate into the ideal mate. Travel photos on a dating profile can break the ice when it comes to mingling on the internet and in person. The first thing that can be said is, “We should go visit Venice. It’s beautiful there this time of year.”

Author Bio: Adrian Rubin is a climate change advocate and freelance writer.

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