Tuesday, March 6, 2018

“I’m A Working Mom – How Can I Get Extra Qualifications?”

Moms have to mix running a family with bringing in the dough. One thing mothers don’t want is to
get pigeonholed. Sure, the kids and your partner are everything, but so is being a working parent.
Without a job, things get pretty boring pretty quickly. Like the majority of people, as soon as
you take it seriously, there is an urge to be better. In your head, and there is no reason why not,
promotions and corporate takeovers are on the cards. To get to this position, though, moms need
qualifications to stand out from the crowd. Securing them isn’t easy because time is short; still, it’s

Night School

The obvious first step is to enroll on a course at a night school. That way, work shouldn’t be an issue
because the classes will start after the shift ends. One sticking point is child care. Not only are the
kids young, but they aren’t responsible enough to take care of one another. Hopefully, daddy dearest
will be able to pick up the slack and play mother. If he can’t, babysitters are cheap and trustworthy if
you choose correctly. Considering it’s only one or two nights a week, the cost is quite low.

Weekend School

Alternatively, consider going back to school on the weekends. Usually, Saturdays and Sundays are
more flexible because most people aren’t scheduled to work. So, father should be free to do his
fatherly duties. Even if he isn’t, kids have clubs and camps which they participate in all day. Therefore,
they are well looked after and have a guardian so there is no reason to worry. Nowadays, unis and
colleges offer weekend courses as they understand the demand from working parents. Just pick the
timetable which works best and sign on the dotted line.

Online School

Of course, there is no need to attend a class physically. Thanks to new technology, qualifications are
attainable digitally instead of in person. Yep, an online masters in marketing is just as easy to get
and it doesn’t bring the same problems. For example, there is no reason to panic about childcare or
a lack of time. By enrolling online, you can complete your studies from the comfort of any room in the
house. It’s your choice! So, after the kids hit the hay, log in and continue where you left off the night
before. It’s pretty straightforward.

At Work

Outside of the office seems like the best place to study, but the workplace can provide great
opportunities. Take training sessions as an example. Employers want employees to boost their skills,
which is why they offer courses free of charge. They can’t force people to take part, but they do
have welcome incentives. A popular one is an afternoon off work to attend class. By signing up,
you can receive a certificate in an area of the industry which is gaining momentum such as first aid.

Are you a working mom? Which one of the above is your favorite choice?

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