Thursday, February 22, 2018

5 Things You Can Do To Increase The Worth of Your House

It is not really easy to sell a house. In fact, it usually takes a house a few months before it is sold, and in some cases it may take years before you find a good buyer.

In most cases, the delay is due to buyers not willing to match the asking price. In such circumstances, the best option is to increase your house’s worth so that buyers can find it worth the asking price.

However, not everyone knows how to achieve such results. Without further delay, let’s look at five ways to give your house’s value a boost.

Create More Space

One of the first things buyers notice is the space. You should make sure to get rid of the clutter so that the house looks bigger.

Furniture and other items can make a house look smaller than it actually is. This can affect a buyer’s perspective and cause them to bid lower.

Light Up Your House

Install windows and skylights, fix broken panes and place sun tubes. All this can make a lot of difference.
A well-lit home does not only look bigger, but it looks cleaner as well. Plus, doing so does not even need a lot of investment so it is a good option for all homeowners. Other than this, invite buyers during the day if you can, as natural light can also do wonders.
Clean and Paint
A new paint job can save the day. You can get a room painted for as low as $400, but very high-quality paint may cost you double, up to $900.
However, it is an investment you should not shy away from making because ROI on this can be as high as 15%. You don’t even have to worry a lot about the paint. You can pick any decent color (beige and light gray seem to be popular these days) since you are going to just put the house up for sale.
But, make sure to get the exterior painted as well, since the first impression is the last impression.
Update or Renovate the Kitchen
The kitchen is the busiest place of the house, and as a result all the buyers will pay special attention to it. In fact, reports indicate that a large part of our day is spent in the kitchen, not just cooking but eating as well.

If your house possesses a nice, commodious and attractive kitchen, then it can help increase the worth of your house. On the other hand, if you have an ugly kitchen, that can damage the overall image and value of your home.

Pay Attention to the Bathroom

Local home buyers want a house that has a big and clean bathroom. You need to pay special attention to this factor and make sure to keep your bathroom in good condition before you put it up for sale.
Follow these tips and you will easily be able to sell your house. However, there are many as-is buyers as well, so do some research first.

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