Monday, November 16, 2009

Food Hoarding Lies

So the other day all the chairs in the kitchen were taken and I sat on the floor to nurse Samwich. I looked over to see this ... a virtual pantry under my desk (carbs, anyone?). I knew Callie had brought all this crap up from our basement pantry and stacked it neatly under the desk. It cracked my mom and I up and she made a joke about Callie hoarding food since she knows we'll be running out soon (a complete joke ... I always have PLENTY of food around here ... especially chocolate, so I don't know why she has a box of brownie mix AND a whole can of cocoa).

The thing is ... she lied about it when we asked if she did it. And tried to throw her friend under the food bus. The boys didn't have food issues. They didn't lie. But these girls are a different story and I am in trouble, people.

I'm a little frightened about this girl of mine ... what do you do when your kid outright lies to you. You call them out on it ... such an obvious lie (like, "I swear the sky is gold"), and still they lie on. How to punish for this?


  1. Whoops, guess your friend can't come over any more. All your friends are pretty evil, kiddo, to do stuff like that. Hope you like playing by yourself! Here's an empty brownie box to pretend with.

    Bwa ha haaaa.

    Ok, I don't know what to tell you. The brownie and mac and cheese mixes are kinda nasty unless you prepare them according to the directions...

  2. Just like you would to anyone you met who told you something you knew wasn't true.

    On a good day, laugh it off. On a bad day, put the lying child in a trance when she watches the fumes from your ears change colors.

    Next question.

  3. Why punish? What harm was truly done? Rather than scold, why not tell her she isn't in trouble and ask why she did it? When she fesses up and tells you why she did it, reassure her that she has no need to lie. Just because she did this you don't love her any less and no one got hurt. It's just a thing.

    Who knows why kids do some of the things they do. It has taken me many a bump on the head to realize that sometimes it's the parent that needs the bump on the head and not the kid. They may have overheard a conversation in jest about you running out of food or you and Aron concerned about the food bill. Whatever the reason, in her little world, she thought she had to do it.

    So for this little lie, maybe you give her a pass and show her a little love instead.

  4. That is a tough one. If I caught my kid lying like that I'd ground him or her or take a favorite toy or game away. I hope you figure out an appropriate punishment for your daughter. Then you can laugh about it later.

  5. I've always told my kids I can handle the truth and truth won't be punished; however, if I catch you in a lie there will be consequences. If I suspect they're not telling the truth I remind them the rule and they usually fess up. They're not perfect and do occasionlly try to bypass the truth and when caught they're punished. The consequences generally involve extra manual labor around the house cleaning toilets, floors, etc. plus the loss of all electronic privledges until bedtime the following day.

  6. I agree with Jen. If I confront my kids about something and they don't lie to me, then it goes unpunished. If they do lie, I sent them into their room for a good length of time or take away a privilege. I talk to them about trust and how lying breaks mommy's heart. If you punish them for telling the truth, they'll have more reason to lie. I've been guilty of this in the past.


Talk to me!