Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How to Pick the Perfect Exhibition Stand Builder

Contemporary exhibitions represent an incredible opportunity to market your services, connect with potential clients, close sales, and augment your network of contacts; however, it’s important to ensure that you build an effective, eye-catching exhibition stand to garner as much attention as possible. With this notion in mind, it’s in your best interests to partner with a reputable contractor to help you construct a unique, modernised exhibition booth and take your marketing efforts to the next level. This brief guide will help you do exactly that.

Look for a Resourceful, Time-Tested Contractor

The most distinguished exhibition stand contractors feature a client-centric approach and they are able to tout a long-standing track record of first-rate fabrication:

       More than 25 years’ experience with building custom exhibition booths
       Robust in-house staff including designers, carpenters, and assembly specialists.
       Dedicated fabrication facility to provide personalized exhibition solutions, ideally with a workspace of over 3,000 square meters
       Accredited and certified by The ESSA association and The Event Safety Scheme
       Extensive web-based gallery of past works including various R8 stands, tension fabric solutions, colonnade booths, outdoor displays, shell interiors, and contemporary graphic provisions

Ensure a Comprehensive Approach

Regardless of your specific industry or niche, you’ll be able to increase brand recognition and bolster your bottom line with an effective, operational booth; however, with the myriad of distinctive constructs, elements, and technologies available in today’s day and age, it has become increasingly challenging to pinpoint the ideal setup for your next exhibition. However, if you partner with a versatile team of exhibition stand builders, you’ll gain immediate access to a team of qualified professionals who can facilitate everything from the idea and design phase to the actual build and on-site installation.

Thus, your team should be able to source, engineer, and personalise a wide range of provisions, supplies, and tools for your arrangement:

       Vast array of materials for your flooring and fixed elements, including timber, metal, uPVC, acrylic, polycarbonate, and more
       Customisable graphics, signage, and advertising inclusions
       Personalised lighting solutions such as LED backlighting, monopoint illumination, rope lights, and micro-fluorescent bulbs
       High-end POS display units with web connectivity
       Touch-screen implements and computer hubs
       Reusable features with modular capabilities
       Distributable content and bespoke printed materials
       Alternative components per request

The best-rated exhibition contractors will provide a fee-free consultation process through which you can ascertain the ideal setup and all of the associated costs without having to sign any agreements or contracts.

A One-Stop Shop for All of Your Exhibition Necessities

Depending on your company’s scope of operations, suite of services, and product line, it can be difficult to identify everything you need for an upcoming exhibition, which is why it’s so important to hire reputable stand builders in today’s day and age; only the experts can tailor a comprehensive solution for your firm:

       Evaluating stand logistics
       Obtaining intricate exhibition equipment
       Sourcing and installing booth furniture such as coffee machines, fridges, televisions, stools, divans, plinths, reception desks, and bar tables
       Using CNC routing to fabricate custom builds
       Facilitating edge banding production
       Implementing Corian display units
       …and anything else that arises during your consultation

With a top-notch team of exhibition specialists by your side, you’ll be able to confidently push forth into the 21st century of marketing and confidently project the ideal image for your firm, so be sure to bookmark this article and use it as a reference guide when it comes time to make a hiring decision.

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