Thursday, December 14, 2017

British Soccer Camp Review #ChallengerSports

Back here I posted about British Soccer Camps and how I was going to enroll Sam in one over the summer. Well, summer has obviously come and gone and, YES, he went to the camp! Here are photos and my review :-)

Sam practicing moving the ball with his feet.

Sam after his first day: hot and tired and happy to have been learning about soccer!
My set-up for the second day. The first day I hung out in the van. This day I set up a blanket and a chair and listened to an audiobook while I watched my kidlet learn soccer. He's in red.

They learned a lot of different soccer skills this week: controlling the ball with their feet, kicking in a specific direction, teamwork, dribbling, and more.

Sam with Coach Camille, wearing his swim trunks

I think a week is a fantastic amount of time for this camp. It was weird weather for end of June. The first day was almost cold and I stayed in the van and watched him play. Then we got rained out one day. Another day was blistering hot. We had to skip one day, then he made the final day, and his dad got to come see him play since it was a Friday. So he made three out of the five days of camp and had a great time.

Also, he loved the ball and shirt he got, as well as the certificate on the last day.

This camp is a great way for your kid to learn some soccer skills in just a couple of hours a day during the summer.

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