Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Here's How You Can Make Moving Day a Doddle!

Moving house and starting a brand new chapter is so exciting- but the actual process of moving your belongings from A to B really isn’t! After months of realtor meetings, house viewings, sorting paperwork and packing, moving day is where everything comes together.

Moving day is a big deal, and is more than likely going to be a stressful day. However, with the right planning and organization you can make it run as hassle free as possible. Property websites such as homes for sale by Joe Manausa Real Estate often have a blog section with helpful advice about moving, which is something you may not have thought of if you’re looking for tips. Here are some other things to bear in mind for a smooth moving day!
Hire a Moving Company
There’s no doubt that hiring a van and moving yourself will be cheaper, but you make so much work for yourself. You have to move your large kitchen appliances, beds and mattresses and other large pieces of furniture onto the van and then off again at the other side which can be incredibly exhausting. On top of that, you then have a million boxes to move and pack- getting in a professional moving company saves you so much hassle and energy. Be sure to choose a company who are insured, so your possessions are covered whatever happens.
Clean and Prepare The New Property
If you’re lucky, you will have received the keys a little in advance of moving day, and this will allow you to bring over a few things beforehand. Otherwise, this is something you could go over and do early on the day. You could stock up the bathrooms with tissue, soap and hand towels. You could put a bin in the kitchen, some tea towels, crockery and cutlery. A kettle and some biscuits for tea breaks will be much appreciated when your stuff starts being brought in. You could make sure there are light bulbs in each of the rooms and hang some curtains. Plus it gives you chance give the place a bit of a clean. It should have been left in a clean and tidy condition from the last tenants or owners, but you are always going to want to go over it yourself to make sure it’s up to standard. Cleaning around bathrooms and kitchens before you move in (or early on the day) means you can start using them right away as you need. Doing this means you have basic functions in the house without having to dig through boxes.
Have Children and Pets Looked After
With people coming and going, the front door left open and boxes being stacked everywhere, it’s not an ideal place for children and pets. To make sure they’re safe and not getting stressed it’s best to have them looked after while you get things set up. Not only is this better for them but it’s better for you too. Without having to keep an eye on them, you’re free to get on with the million jobs on your to- do list!

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