Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Basics of Thrombocytes

Basics of thrombocytes
Many people have not yet heard the word ‘thrombocytes’ but they know it by the other way -‘platelets’. Yes, both are same. These are blood cells responsible for blood clotting. Thrombo means clot and the term is used with conditions and diseases that affect platelets and blood clotting.

Normal thrombocytes
Thrombocytes are being originated from the cells Megakaryocytes, which is observed in the bone marrow and is essential for normal blood clotting.

Platelet count
Complete blood count ( CBC) is a test checking the numbers, size and health of thrombocytes. Platelet or thrombocyte count is substantial for a doctor to know before and after any surgery so that potential bleeding and clotting issues can be predicted and effectively handled. It is vital during chemotherapy and radiation as these can decrease platelet production in the bone marrow.
·         Normal range of platelet count is 150,000 – 450,000 per microliter.

·         Mean platelet volume describes the normal size of platelets. Younger platelets are bigger than older ones, hence an increased volume means you are making and releasing them quickly. On the other hand, a low volume means changed production in the bone marrow.

·         Platelet distribution width indicates the variation in the size of platelets or so-called thrombocytes and this suggest conditions that affect the platelets.

Thrombocytes function tests are performed if there is a symptom or chance for excessive bleeding, and to observe anti-platelet medications as well.

This is a condition of low platelet count in the blood. There are many causes for the condition, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which inhibit platelet production due to the suppressive effects on the blood.

Other conditions that may cause low platelet count or thrombocytopenia include viral infections that affect the bone marrow, HELLP syndrome in pregnancy, autoimmune syndromes like lupus, a mechanical heart valve, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, heparin antibodies, severe alcohol abuse, certain medications, live disease, toxic exposures and severe sepsis.

Platelet count below 20,000 per microliter is life-threatening condition as it could cause spontaneous bleeding, which may be hard to stop. In that case, the patient may be given a platelet transfusion.

You might have heard it by other way – high platelet count. This condition generally occurs due to a primary bone marrow disorder, such as essential thrombocytosis or due to chronic inflammation in the body, iron deficiency anemia, infection, or removal of spleen.

Thrombocytosis is usually found in cancer patients, especially with gastrointestinal cancer, and also with breast, lymphoma, ovarian and lung cancer. This could be due to inflammation related to the malignancy, which stimulates the production of platelets in the bone marrow. Thrombocytosis can also be caused by conditions like IBD and rheumatoid arthritis. Besides this, a temporary elevation in the platelet count can occur after a trauma or major surgery.

There are many things you would want to know about thrombocytes. Platelet count is something that we can’t take it as granted. To know more about this major component in the blood, visit

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