Wednesday, January 4, 2017

More Tips on Shopping for a Wedding Ring

Image credit: Pixabay
In a previous article, we talked about the things to consider when you’re trying to figure out whether you are ready to get married. Getting married is a big commitment to make, which makes the decision even more important. After you say yes, however, there are still plenty of things to prepare for the wedding.

A beautiful pair of wedding rings is among the many things you need to shop for. Fortunately, getting a gorgeous ring that matches your budget is not as difficult as you think. These next few shopping tips will help you get started with your own search right away.

Set a Budget for the Purchase

It is easy to get carried away when shopping for wedding rings. That extra $200 you’re willing to spend after seeing a more beautiful ring can soon turn to an extra expense you can’t really afford. The little details of a wedding ring change its price a lot. Going from diamond color grade G to D, for example, can double the price of the ring entirely.

A good way to get around this potential issue is by having a clear budget from the start. Understand how much you can afford on the wedding rings and stick to it. Keep in mind that there are still other things to prepare for the wedding – and many other expenses to deal with – so staying true to the budget is a must.

Buy from the Right Retailer

I always advise against going with big jewelry brands, especially those with chain stores. Their jewelry tends to be more expensive because they also spend a lot of overhead costs like advertising and promotions. Indie jewelers and top local brands such as Ascot Diamonds in New York are the better options in most cases.

These jewelers don’t really have to pay a lot on advertising and other costs, which is why they don’t need to mark up the prices of their diamonds so much. To make it even better, local brands usually have more designs and are willing to cater to your needs and personal preferences to the very last detail.

You can still pick up a gorgeous pair of wedding rings, enjoy the same level of service and save at the same time when shopping at the right retailer. Don’t forget to ask for a discount too, since it can help you save even more.

Speaking of discounts…

Know When to Shop

Just like the fashion market, jewelry goes on sale at certain times. Buying a pair of wedding rings off season – usually during the winter – can help you find better deals without hassle. The same can be said for special offers and extra discounts found online and offline.

Knowing when to shop can help you save more than 10% on your wedding ring. You can still get the best cut and color, a beautiful band design and the perfect wedding ring without breaking the bank. Simply apply the tips we’ve covered in this article and start your search for the perfect pair of wedding rings.

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