Monday, October 31, 2016

Staying Fit With A Disability: Everything You Need To Know

There are man disabled people who think that they are unable to stay fit just because of their condition. It is true that there will be certain restrictions on what you can do depending on your disability. However, that isn’t a good enough excuse to give up on fitness altogether! In fact, there are plenty of ways that people with disabilities can stay fit and healthy. And doing so may even help to relieve the symptoms of their condition!

Would you love to start being active? Maybe you want to improve your overall health and fitness? Whatever the reason why you want to get started, here are some tips that can help you work out with our condition.

Use Workout DVDs

If you find it difficult to leave the house, you can always use fitness DVDs to help you stay fit. These can be especially useful for those who use a wheelchair as many DVDs have plenty of seated exercises. These types of exercises focus on arm strength which can be very useful if you always use your arms to get about in our wheelchair. Some standing exercises can be adapted so that you can do versions of them using a mobility aid. You will even be able to find some DVDs that are specifically tailored to those with limited mobility. Not too sure which DVD is suitable for you? You can look at online reviews, such as piyo workout reviews. Hopefully, these customer reviews will help you decide.

Group Exercise Classes

Many people know all about the different classes that many gyms host for their members. However, not too many of these will be suitable for those with a long-term health condition or disability. But that shouldn’t put you off trying to seek out fitness classes that are aimed at people with disabilities. You just need to look elsewhere! Many of these specialist classes are held in community centres and sports centres. If your condition means you are unable to work, you might not want to spend too much money on these fitness classes. Thankfully, there are many charities that offer grants to the disabled.

Keep Fit In Front Of The TV

Lots of people enjoy watching TV on an evening. This may not be the most healthiest pastime, but there is a way you can get fit while doing it! All you need to do is grab a couple of tins of beans and use them as weights. You can also use full bottles of water for this as well. There are lots of arm exercises you should do while holding these tins or bottles. I’m sure you will be able to find one that you can do. If you want to, you can always purchase some proper weights.

Fitness Games

There are also some fitness games that can be adapted so that people with certain health conditions and disabilities can use them. Most famous game consoles offer these kinds of games. For instance, the Nintendo Wii console has a number of games that focus on the player’s fitness and helps them to get fit. Even if you are restricted to a wheelchair, you will still be able to focus on the exercises that work your arms. One great idea is to use these kinds of fitness games as a cardiovascular workout. Once you are done, you can switch the TV on and use your tins of beans to improve your strength!


Yoga is a great workout that can help you to meditate and clear your mind of any worries and stresses. But it isn’t just a spiritual and mental workout. It can also help to strengthen the body and help improve its suppleness. As you can understand, there are a lot of people with mild disabilities and long-term health conditions that practice Yoga. This is because it helps to relieve their symptoms. There are many different types of Yoga, though Hatha Yoga is the most practiced in the western world. But you should always try and find a type of Yoga that is best suited to you. Many exercises and poses can be altered so that they can be done by those with limited mobility. Generally speaking, most people with a disability will be able to do Yoga. If you are ever in any doubt, speak to the class teacher first and she or he will be able to talk you through the adjustments they can make to accommodate you.

Join A Specialist Team

There are now more and more teams popping up around the country that are aimed at people in wheelchairs. For instance, wheelchair basketball is a very popular sport within the disabled community. But you don’t just have to play basketball. In fact, if you think of a sport, I’m sure you will be able to find a wheelchair team who are playing it! And there are now also lots of individual sports that people who rely on a wheelchair can get involved with. Did you watch this year’s paralympics? Why not take some of your favourite paralympians as inspiration and follow them in their sporting footsteps? Having such heroes to look up to will help keep you motivated, and will allow you to achieve more and meet all your fitness goals!

Remember What Matters

When you are working on your fitness and getting back into sports, you need to remember what matters the most. And that is the taking part, not the winning! So don’t worry if you aren’t the fittest member in your new fitness class. Or if you struggle to complete your workouts when you first begin. What really matters is your own self-improvement. Set yourself achievable goals that you will be able to reach with a little effort. It doesn’t matter if you improve over a long period of time. As long as you are improving and getting fitter; that’s what matters most!

So there is no reason why your disability should hold you back when it comes to fitness. Go out there and achieve your fitness goals!

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