Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Stay Informed, Stay Safe: Five Ways To Protect Your Home

In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have to take steps to protect our homes. We all dream of living in the sort of neighborhood where we can leave our doors and windows open all day with no fears or worries. Unfortunately, that isn’t the sort of world that most of us live in and as such we need to take steps to make sure our homes are safe and secure. Here are some of my best tips on how to do that.
Don’t Advertise That You’re Away

Pool, Feet, Closed For Holiday, Ferragosto, Party
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In this age of social media it’s easy to advertise to far too many people that your house is empty. From photographs of yourself in a pool on Instagram to countdowns on Facebook to when you get to go away, there are a lot of ways that you can give the game away. Make sure that you keep quiet on social media until your vacation is over – then you can make everyone jealous by posting your photographs from your wonderful break away! Get a neighbor or family member to put out your trash and pick up your mail, and put your lights on timers.
Get A Burglary Alarm System

House, Building, Home, Residential, Construction
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Home security systems will ensure that if an intruder does enter your home, they’re more easily caught and stopped. Look online for tips about which system is best for you, learn about Protect America, and make sure that when you pick one, it’s visible from the outside so thieves are deterred from coming to your home. You can use window decals for this.
Prune Your Shrubs And Plants

House, Spring, Front Door, Front Yard, White, Flowers
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Not only can they prevent you from getting a clear view of what exactly is outside your windows, overgrown shrubbery and plants can give intruders places to hide while planning or escaping from a break-in. Ensure that your windows and doors are visible to passers-by and neighbours by pruning back your plants, so they can see and alert you if anything suspicious is going on. Cut back any trees that might go near windows and use good quality security lighting with motion sensors so you can tell if someone’s moving around near your house.
Take Care Of Your Doors And Windows

Door, Accessibility, Lock, Doorway, Classical, No
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Make sure that your doors and windows are locked at all times, and invest in new, modern technology to make sure your home is as secure as possible. Make sure your windows are shining and your door is repainted regularly with your locks on full display – a lot of burglars are opportunists, and your house looking obviously secure and hard to get into will deter them from making an attempt. If your house upkeep is good – no cracked paving slabs, a tidy front yard – then any opportunistic thieves will assume that your security system is similarly up to date and leave your house alone.
Hide Your Valuables

Dinner Table, Table, Chairs, Soup Bowls, China, Plates
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It’s common sense to make sure that your more valuable possessions are not visible through windows. Invest in blinds or net curtains so it’s harder to see in from outside. Inside, keep your TV and other electronics inside cabinets, or behind artwork. If you have good storage, less of your possessions will be out on display, meaning that thieves will be less tempted to break in.

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